Monday, August 30, 2010

Cramp More Condition_treatment


Photo: Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

He accepted the mission for several reasons: they would put 50 CUC a month in a bank in Cuba could acquire
appliances which he needed so much during his life, he bought clothes for his children, and Furthermore, it would be out of the general hospital that he was just cursed with his life.

He knew that Venezuela was a country quite violent and politically unstable, but surely the Cuban delegation would be well protected, certainly had the priority. Were awarded on the outskirts, a poor area with a lot of crime. No one had warned him that he would arrive as soon as they would have taken away his passport and was undocumented. He worked hard, found that the majority of Venezuelans feel the same thing as Cuban: the policy the company split in two.
has suffered the hatred of a people who, like his, he lost the reins of the future. He discovered that paranoia has no borders and that fear also travels in the air. One of his companions died in a fight between two bands in the neighborhood. He asked to return to Cuba but the compromise was imperishable, and the Communist Party - and being depressed did not get along with the solidarity among peoples. Still can not go back to console and do the therapy in the mirror: 50 cuc 50 cuc 50 cuc.

Monster Energy University

The incident

Photo: Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

The other day I witnessed an incident at Luyanò. Orlado Luis and I tweeted
what we could and we managed with difficulty to take some pictures before the police plainclothes
takes away the cameras. Traffic Accidents captain always and everywhere I wonder why the Cuban government prevents these accidents end up in the newspapers. It 's ridiculous and painful that members of the secret police, state security services dealing with, in the midst of catastrophe, to persecute the cameras and reporters.
Sometimes it seems to me that censorship and bureaucracy are living beings, with their laws of survival, their needs and to perpetuate their life cycles. Endangers the state tell us how many casualties there were 20 August, what were the causes of the accident, what happened to the driver?

Now there is a question of free press, nor of political freedoms, not even citizen's rights. This is a monster that has grown so much in 50 years that could swallow all the events in the nation. A monster that feeds on our knowledge of our intellect and our capacity to understand the story. A monster that swallows our troubles and our joys, our dreams and our lives

Monday, August 23, 2010

Jeff Hardy And Simpsons


Imagen: El Verdugo, por Luis Trápaga

His mornings were always equal to many years under the table to buy flour in the bakeries of the state, obtain eggs street vendors bring in their backpacks, negotiate the price of guava to the farmers market so you can make a profit. With the ups and downs depending on the level of repression against the lawlessness that there are, can maintain a decent home selling pastries.

But the business is too complicated: Twice he had to go to the near side of the cake through the window of the courtyard when they arrived because the hiding of finance inspectors. Thank God that does not happen often!. When you succeed, put the almonds on the cake that he sends his sister to Miami, where he has a small pastry quite prosperous. It started, like her, in 2000, doing everything alone but over the years has taken on an assistant and now has a modest deal that provides much of the candy to the neighborhood.

He tells me everything with infinite longing, envy of her healthy sister of the other party that has managed to make inroads. I ask if he thinks that Raul Castro will make some economic liberalization, facilitation of small business permits and those little things that make life easier. We ride up but it seems that his eyes are too old-cry, my child, I do not give anything, I got tired of waiting.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Mirtazapine More Drug_side_effects


By dint of looking la stessa finestra, la stessa via, di parlare con le stesse persone e vivere nella stessa città; uno finisce per pensare che le sa tutte.Se me l'avessero raccontato non l'avrei creduto siccome adesso  so che è vero, sono piena d'interroganti. Le vie dell'Avana hanno molte più sorprese in serbo per me, meno male!
Agosto letale. Arrivo boccheggiando a via 23 all'angolo con via L e trovo per terra dei volantini come quello della foto: FREE IRAN . Cos'è questo, mamma mia? Ne piglio uno e mi guardo attorno, direi che io sono la meno sorpresa
di tutti quelli che mi circondano. Un tipo, con la faccia da poliziotto in borghese
appena scoperto, se ne mette uno in tasca e fa un gesto di schifo con sorpresa. He did not like. Would not know if that flyer would be classified as "enemy propaganda", but apparently, "PROPAGANDA FRIEND" is not. As a G

corner 23 there are still a lot More.l majority has been trampled. Who would have thought an idea so brilliant?. I have no more doubts. This has to do with the obsession that whip the hallucinatory mind of Fidel Castro. What would you say the "companion" Comandante Fidel if instead of the Third World War came the end of the dictatorship in Iran?