Monday, November 29, 2010

Combivent More Drug_warnings_recalls

rug still

questa volta non mi sembra il caso di fare tutorial...
questi due omini son davvero facilissimi
basta riportare il cartamodello su stoffa in doppio, cucire rivoltare, imbottire,
e adornare a piacere.....
stoffa marrone per il cioccolato...

stoffa avorio per la vaniglia....

pattern free

cascade of snowflakes .....

enough to bring the pattern on felt, cut and drill a small hole
to hang on ....

p.s. se usate il pannolenci al posto del feltro, vi verranno un pò mosci....
basterà farli in doppio e attaccarli con la colla per stoffa,
o semplicemente fargli un bagno in acqua e vinavil
una volta asciutti saranno durissimi!
buon lavoro a tutte!

Monday, November 22, 2010

What Is Bowel Infection

Christmas angel or elf?

salve a tutte, e dopo un lunghissimo periodo di riposo....
si fa per dire
rieccomi con un nuovo tutorial qui craft up to the event.
this time ... we talk about angels or elves (free interpretation for what you want)
word very dear to many of us creative
the tutorial that I present to you is simple, with many steps it is true, but within reach of all

cut the fabric the various parts of the pattern
remember that the pattern is a free the shop of dreams,
just ask by email or leaving a post this message on
stoffina ivory for the face, cotton colorata per il corpo e per il cappello,
 feltro o pannolenci per i piedini, 30 cm di merletto

cominciamo con una filza tutto intorno al perimetro del pezzo avorio

tiriamo arricciando

e inseriamo un pò di ovattina per imbottire

chiudiamo completamente con piccoli punti l'apertura

questo dovrebbe essere il risultato

ripetiamo l'operazione con il pezzo ricavato dalla cotonina


tirare il filo fino a completa chiusura

chiudere con piccoli punti

con la colla attacchiamo sulla base liscia della palla ottenuta, i piedini

facciamo una filza e arricciamo il merlettino

e lavorando di colla.....

attacchiamolo al corpo dell'angioletto

riprendiamo la pallina avorio e decoriamo la testa attaccandoci i capelli
(scelta libera, io amo i capelli in lana ma voi potete farli come più vi piace)

mano alla colla....attacchiamo la testa al corpo

prendiamo ora l'altro pezzo di cotonina e cuciamo sui lati, rigiriamo dal dritto

posizioniamolo helping with the badges on the head of our little angel
(you can not put the hat if you do not like, and prefer to see the hair)

gleam from a piece of tape, if you have chosen Option angel
formed a staple that will be the wings

stuck on the back with a piece of ribbon to hang

now for the face, to decorate pleasure, I opted for painting, but
You can sew the smiley face or place of plastic eyes or if you find them around the tiny little buttons ... room for personal creativity!

final touch is always optional, at the height of a bell cap

and here is the result of a half hour of work ....

rascal emoticons, funny, sweet or keep

photo ensemble .....

a job as always pricey, pricey, and simple in view of the upcoming holidays
good creativity to all!

ps I apologize for the bad success of the picture .... but the photographer was not much in the mood in truth,
say that he was forced to make sure the service sweet and loving that the threats are coming! ^______^

Monday, November 8, 2010

Causes Of Gum Disease More Condition_symptoms

The distant hill

                                                     Foto montaggio di un amico  anonimo

La mia amica Evelyn è una donna felice. Ha avuto mille disagi durante la sua gioventù, ma ora che si avvicina ai quaranta, guarda indietro e il bilancio è più che positivo. Anche if they are younger, I remain amazed by her, has a beautiful daughter, makes careers and lives by his principles and his ideas, although the latter two are in danger of extinction. We've known that I was seventeen and since then has not voted or participated in more of a staged government acted in fear and double standards of the people.

Evelyn could not study at university. When studying at the "Lenin" (a limited number of high school specializing in science.) Threads her classmates have denied any political endorsement *. He appealed to the province but the class raised his hand a second time by checking for all his future life. It was not a freelance journalist nor an activist of any political party nor was preaching through the hallways of the school holding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was just a teenager half rocker who loved the music IS.

years passed and the group of Lenin was left almost no one in Cuba on his Facebook account sometimes get friend requests from those who once raised their hands to cut off his life. It seems that living in France, Canada, Spain and the United States is as big as a confession that is used to wash all sins and gives the right to request unconditional forgiveness of the victims. But my friend does not forget. Not seek revenge, never leave that hate the roda. However, you get tired of asking the friend on Facebook or to participate in celebrations of the group when they return to Cuba: She will always say no.

* El Aval (political endorsement) is a requirement to enter university. It is a meeting with classmates and they conclude that if a student has the political merit to be able to go to university. It is not just pretend to agree with government policy but also take part in political demonstrations, voluntary work etc.. At the end of last year than many students seek to join the Communist Youth only to have the "famous" guarantee. NdT