Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pregnancy Tips More Condition_symptoms

Happy Easter quack here

wish Happy Easter with goose?
why not?
then if the result is his "Ochino" even better!

Photobucket we depart from the pattern I did the beak of a different color to help the beginners, but if someone is forward with technology and wanted to give vent to creativity ....
have an extra step to do, stick your tongue!

start with the wings, usual cut the pieces, leaving the margin ....

sew all around and remember nicking the corner points

make a small cut on one side of the wing

and through this hole ....
toss and turn from the straight and close the opening with small stitches by hand

dell'ochetta mark the pattern, cut ... we remove the pins. ..

hours should be made to mark the stitches su entrambi i lati i segni alla base dell'oca, io ho un mio metodo però molto più casereccio e sbrigativo:

appuntiamo due spilli nel punto preciso della marcatura con pennarello evanescente
(o matita o gesso per sarta come preferite)

su quei segni, un pezzo per volta, andiamo a cucire delle pinces, faranno sì che la nostra mammina stia in piedi da sola e senza appoggio! :o) (vedere foto)

here's how you should present ...

hours, right, join the two layers, ready to be sewn

sew all around, remember to leave a small opening to turn over ....

affected the "critical" points

stuffed pretty well .... well close the opening with hidden points,
earlier made the wings attach with glue Hot or small hidden spots ....
and we're going to finish the work with small details that make it unique our creation .... eyes, ribbons, flowers, what we have to hand in short!

et voila .... our mother crouched beside his baby!

ps I have not posted the step by step 's ochettino
because it is equal in all respects to that of' ochettona! : O)
only change the size and the wings that do not yet have grown ....
good work!


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