Sunday, May 31, 2009

What Is Lymphodema Condition_symptoms

Music Man looking for words Yet we also knew

- Dio ci mette alla prova...
- Ma non poteva darci una prova scritta?

(Woody Allen, sul campo di battaglia in Amore e Guerra)

Ebbene sì, qualcuno ha sperimentato anche la prova scritta. Tonino Melis, missionario saveriano,è anche linguista e antropologo. In mezzo all'Africa,nella regione abitata dal popolo Masa tra Camerun e Ciad, ha lavorato per vent'anni alla realizazione del primo vocabolario della cultura Masa. Uno strumento antropologico, un'offerta di dignità, un atto di fede. Un percorso di vita, con dubbi, ricordi, ansie e inquietudini ."L'uomo che cerca parole" è il film che narra questo progetto. Giovedì sera 4 giugno al Manzoni . Da non perdere. Perché al film ha lavorato anche Nicola Tasso, perché chi cerca parole ha la nostra istintiva simpatia, perché anche chi vive "nel buco del culo del mondo" ha una storia da raccontare.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Phlegm More Condition_treatment

eppure lo sapevamo we
holds the smell of bitter from the

knew we
and a language to another to learn and unlearn

bike before we knew we
and the fog of breath on
showcases the warm bread
el'onta a waste
knew we
watch this dumb And we knew

the patience of those who can not stop
and the holy of holy charity

give us even knew the
offense and a live lean and thin that it becomes

house and the fog of breath
the windows and the warm bread
el'onta refusal
we knew we
this dumb look

Gianmaria Testa

Web surfing is like surfing in the third class to Ellis Island is a small but instinctive emotion register on the site of Ellis Island Foundation , and find paths who arrived in the land in search of freedom from want. There are all surnames of Pontremoli between arrivals of those years of the early twentieth century. Many of them have the name of the village or country of origin: Gravagna, Albanvale, Cargalla and a lot of our local geography. Names often domesticated in poor writers familiar with the dialects. Pompeo also appears in English Berceto.Dunque we knew the smell of the holds. In many l'abbiamo disimparato. ?

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Wrestler Beauty Treatment

still a ...

kitten little heart on the success of a tutorial
still animals, and after mice and the kitten ... he certainly could not miss:
the dog !!!!! : O) also a step by step easy
super hyper and a few easy steps will make another funny guy
fine show of our own things ....
ok go!
first the pattern below
print it out and cut it out of course!
: o)

Photobucket leaving room for the seams, we cut our cloth model
on: 2 and 4 times for the dog by the ears,

let us mark the 2 points surrounding the A, è il punto che non cuciremo per rivoltare

a questo punto cuciamo e rivoltiamo dal dritto le nostre orecchie

segniamo il cagnolino.....

facciamo coincidere il punto A delle orecchie col punto A del cane....
sovrapponiamo i 2 pezzi e...

cuciamo tutto intorno lasciando un piccolo margine aperto...

al solito incidiamo con le forbici i punti in cui ci sono le curve....

ed ecco quasi ready for our friend ....

stuff pretty well .... well

decorate as desired eyes and nose

(these are paintings, but with two buttons are fine embroidered or equal)

e. .. hey presto ...... . .... as a premise
easy right??

: o)
and this one is done! for the next tutorial .... ask for a vote in the poll at the top;
do you prefer to create together? Another pet,
a convenient bag holder, a purse o. .. what?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pearl Knickers & Toys

the kitten little heart

animals still on arigiane by chance, this time is a request

(pink now have no excuse!
you've got the kit and the tutorial here it is ... now. .. working on!)
: o)
Today a tutorial for a very very sweet kitten ....
easy and fast, to great effect (seen live!)

procuriamoci 2 cotton fabrics in contrasting colors or in combination, depending on your tastes e. ..
begin to cut:
2 ears and 2 in a tissue in the other, half
cat in a tissue and the other half ....
the queue in the fabric of your choice of 2
sew the tail first,

affected the "critical" points to avoid creating wrinkles stirring ....
toss and turn from the straight and stuff!

our tail over here! Just remember not to fill the end of the tail,
that must be inserted in the kitten ...

dub and sew the ears ..... using a piece of each color ....

now move on to sew the first part of the kitten the two pieces of heart in different colors ...

sewing in the second half, insert into the seam at indicated by the pattern, the tail prepared before ....

stuff and pass the decor .. ....

can use the technique you prefer to decorate the face kitty, eyes may be those plastic buttons or embroidered ... by the whiskers of pieces of wire for jewelry, or alternatively ....
enough to pull the threads of a broom! ehehhehe
(possibly to be new)
: o)

add a bow, a bell, a flower ...
paint or embroider nose and mouth ....
and you're done!
are not cute??
(super and very easy)

these are made with different eyes, I used the first two buttons, for the second
plastic eyes to show you the difference! Ps opening a little way to the tail of the cat photo holder standing alone.

Post-postscript: as I pointed out countrygirl
with his comments this time in the tutorial
I forgot to post the pattern of creation! Remedy
immediately apologize to you
(also for the handwriting that I know, is not the best!)
: o)

kisses kisses .....