Monday, May 18, 2009

The Wrestler Beauty Treatment

still a ...

kitten little heart on the success of a tutorial
still animals, and after mice and the kitten ... he certainly could not miss:
the dog !!!!! : O) also a step by step easy
super hyper and a few easy steps will make another funny guy
fine show of our own things ....
ok go!
first the pattern below
print it out and cut it out of course!
: o)

Photobucket leaving room for the seams, we cut our cloth model
on: 2 and 4 times for the dog by the ears,

let us mark the 2 points surrounding the A, รจ il punto che non cuciremo per rivoltare

a questo punto cuciamo e rivoltiamo dal dritto le nostre orecchie

segniamo il cagnolino.....

facciamo coincidere il punto A delle orecchie col punto A del cane....
sovrapponiamo i 2 pezzi e...

cuciamo tutto intorno lasciando un piccolo margine aperto...

al solito incidiamo con le forbici i punti in cui ci sono le curve....

ed ecco quasi ready for our friend ....

stuff pretty well .... well

decorate as desired eyes and nose

(these are paintings, but with two buttons are fine embroidered or equal)

e. .. hey presto ...... . .... as a premise
easy right??

: o)
and this one is done! for the next tutorial .... ask for a vote in the poll at the top;
do you prefer to create together? Another pet,
a convenient bag holder, a purse o. .. what?


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