Saturday, September 12, 2009

Brazilian Wax Bucks County, Pa

The school Another damper down hurts

"For a child to grow well,
need a whole village "
(African proverb)
We just left the outcome of the year 2008/09, with its dramatic increase of rejected, with or without 5 in the duct . Thousands of non-allowed (example? 70,000 boys between the first and second media repeat a year), in the name of rigor, severity of substance. Why repeat a lot? For too many absences? for misconduct? insufficient for profit? One thing to think about is that a large proportion of rejected is composed of children of immigrants, struggling with the difficulties of language and integration.
An interesting contribution to understanding the current state of our schools there is provided by Maurizio Parodi (*) with "The school that hurts" ed. Liberodiscrivere . It 's a path disenchanted and ruthless (but not resigned) through the ills that afflict a school that is a source of discomfort and maladjustment for thousands of children, that sentence (often the poorest) ignorance, who can not motivate, interest, involved. That divide, since the spaces and times, controlling, from the "pedagogical posture" (it seems that we can learn just by sitting).
And all this without that arise from a real project, rather Parodi identifies a number of "postulates pseudopedagogici" that sono fondamento di pratiche didattiche diffuse, in realtà privi di attendibilità. Uno per tutti: "L'insuccesso scolastico è dovuto all'inadeguatezza del soggetto". Facile, no? Così la scuola si autoassolve e si giustifica per i migliaia di bocciati.
Il ritratto emerso spiega il disagio e il malessere dei ragazzi, afflitti da malattie psicosomatiche e no, che escono dalla scuola"alfabetizzati" ma non lettori (anzi, il libro diventa, come per Pennac, un oggetto contundente), non scrittori, non autonomi, spesso incapaci di decidere e comunicare.
Se si fermasse qui, l'autore non farebbe altro che avallare e rafforzare quella diffusa percezione negativa, avvalorata da rapporti OCSE e quant'altro.
Parodi indicates, however, alternative routes, even if only sketched, not the "laissez faire", but "letting be" (the students given the opportunity to experiment, to dare, to risk), according to Maria Montessori's famous slogan "Help me to do it alone ". Keywords
, reception, exploration, discovery, movement, play. Not to mention that diversity is a value. It is no small thing at a time when the school is urged to report illegal immigrants, children of those who have no residence permit, which are what the school most in need.
yet. Yet I can not shake an uneasy feeling: such a disaster involves a merciless portrait of the teachers, because basically they are engaged in teaching apodictic, as control, judge, evaluate, impart tasks.
addition, the reading of this text becomes part of a "re-education campaign in schools teaching" entitled "Primum non nocere." Here, the school that still hurt. The teacher who harms. Where did I hear?
The risk is to contribute to the rhetoric of "shambles" which I think does not need more supporters. Indeed, the school produces untold damage? Really only distributes massive doses of motivation? Really just a place of discomfort and inadequacy?
I believe that the framework of parody, belongs to the disease rather than the physiological state of the Italian school, which is also space of dialogue and, often based on what Joseph Lombardo Radice called "positive contagion," the exchange between those who teach and learners, the only antidote to fear and school sanctions. Despite the cut in hours, funds, laboratories, copresences.
The real failure is to lose guys on the street, whatever nationality they belong. A
to Flaiano "Everything that I do not know I learned in school," I prefer a quote from Victor Hugo: "If you close a school, an open prison"

(*) Maurizio Parodi, Pontremoli of birth (1956 ) and earlier studies is the head teacher assigned Regional Institute for Educational Research in Liguria.
(by Annacarla)


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