Thursday, December 24, 2009

Micardis More Drug_side_effects

Greetings and credits

"... It 's so easy to laugh

is so easy to hate It takes strength to be gentle and polite
's so easy to laugh is so easy to hate

it takes guts to be gentle and kind ... "

I know it's over The Smiths, 1986

Merry Christmas and Happy 2010

Greetings to those who have started all over again,
who has danced dangerously between this side el'aldilà,
who is stricken and dumb in front of ' extreme gesture of a friend, who
this year on Christmas Day will have a diner in less
to those who are afraid of thieves and the puppet hanging from the balcony of a thief dressed in red
to those expecting a train in the cold to make Christmas where he lived as a child,
who this year will reach many panettone that will fill the void of his life in a nursing home,
to those who are still traveling
to those who have found their way home,
those who are not waiting tables for lack of staff, who
happily playing and singing, despite everything,
who is already thinking about preparing for fires in January, who also
tonight will put six layers with the heater burning all the night in a red house just outside Pontremoli,
the door to those who have the doormat that says "welcome" but does not open the door to anybody, who directs traffic
to those who still search in vain for a history edifying - a rare commodity now - to tell in a post Christmas. These cards come from barbers
anonymous. Anonymous, unrecognized by anyone, as under the sky of Pontremoli are long and those who would harm to do for a country confident and friendly to the ideas, persons, and especially the future of himself. These cards come from barbers recognized and recognizable. Recognized as the desire of many to act on the stage of the Rose but claiming that no one boos the bad interpretations, not even from the gallery. Recognizable, such as those who willfully and without accepting help, seek the lost house key under the street lamps of the streets because there is no light, even though they lost in the darkness of Solchetti. These cards are
leave. Thank you all, anonymous, acknowledged and recognized that with respect, affection or disappointment you have attended this workshop. And if someone ci ha pensati guastafeste senza invito, ritenendosi offeso per una torta in faccia, sappia che “non lo si è fatto apposta”. Questo blog non voleva abbattere il tiranno ma il suo castello dentro di noi. Non abbiamo pensato di essere infettivi, portatori di opposizione. Volevamo solo salvare dalla discarica i dettagli, le storie, le speranze di una città. Per questo abbiamo scritto post carini accanto ad altri che sono un fiasco, ma ne abbiamo scritto pochi, crediamo, che sono una bugia. It was only a weblog, i’m sorry.

(best wishes from Annacarla, Ottavio, Barbér Pompeo)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Nail Salonsbeach Theme

A book to greet

" Il libro è come un cucchiaio, il martello, the wheel, scissors.
Once they've invented, you can not do better "
U. Eco, not hope to get rid of books

not find better way to say hello to all friends of the blog and wish them a Merry Christmas suggest that once again some highlights.

"A head wild" Marie-Sabine Roger (Ponte alle Grazie) is the story of the encounter between the village idiot and an old woman. very different, he is illiterate, her reader he lives in a trailer, she has traveled the world. But they share the loneliness, the love of books, sympathy for pigeons. For he became the grandmother who has never had and that him to the understanding and use of words, which are also used to define the emotions, beginning with shame, and naturally. It 's a magical meeting in a park where it usually stops, but without pay close attention to the humanity that populates it. Very nice quote from the Ba (African writer): "When an old man dies, it's like a library burning"

"Stamp farewell" to Heloneida Studart (Marcos y Marcos) is a beautiful novel of undeniable imprint South American with its passionate atmosphere and characters that are never what they seem. Especially women, the real protagonists, both those living and those dead, fighting for his assertion, against those who only want victims. And, in the background, corruption, slums and a murderous dictatorship. But even the love that goes beyond death. And the hatred that will push the murder of her husband-master. A homicide claimed proudly, exciting as an orgasm. Writing rich and fascinating, just as the South Americans.

"When he stopped singing Nina Simone" to Jaud Darina is another story about women, for the accuracy of a Lebanese non-conformist, educated by his father (an intellectual atheist) to complete freedom, the rejection of any type of packaging, religion or sex that is. But in the civil war-torn Beirut, a woman is still a beast by Game ", which is not allowed to express feelings, needs even less. The psychiatric hospital will be the consequence of her rebellious lifestyle. It does not come out of the Shrew, but will reject the city (now semipacificata), which also has always loved to fly Paris.

And for the die-hard non-readers is a 50-page booklet, which contains dozens of novels. This is "Novels in three lines" Felix Feneon (Adelphi). One: "A Cliché a beggar seventy, some Verniot, died of hunger. Straw were found in his 2000 francs. But we must not generalize. "Or:" The former mayor of Cherbourg, Gosse, was in the hands of the barber. At one point he cried out and died. But the razor does not matter. "

Happy reading and Happy 2010 to everyone!
(by Annacarla)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Male Baldness More Condition_treatment

waste returned

" Not only rolled tubes of toothpaste, light bulbs fulminate, newspapers, containers, materials 'packaging, but also boilers, encyclopedias, pianos, porcelain dinner services: rather than by the things that sold you buy every day are manufactured, the opulence of Leonia is measured by the things that are thrown away every day to make room for new ones. So much so that one wonders if Leonia's true passion is really as they say enjoy the new and different things, or rather, to expel, remove the da sé, il mondarsi d’una ricorrente impurità."
(da Le città invisibili,Italo Calvino 1972,119)

Ho un’istintiva simpatia per l’anonimo cittadino che nei giorni scorsi ha appeso alla porta della Sezione Comunale di Pontremoli della Federcaccia, presso la Biblioteca, un sacchetto di rifiuti vari raccolti nei boschi, accompagnandolo con un rustico cartello: " Questa immondizia è stata raccolta nei boschi. Tramite la vostra associazione si invitava i raccoglitori e i cacciatori a non lasciare nulla per terra. Un cittadino "
Più che un ammonimento, un appello, una richiesta di attenzione. L’educazione ambientale è materia che necessita di formazione continua. Ci tocca studiare. Anche l’educazione alla raccolta differenziata e porta a porta, che da poco tempo è iniziata in città, è materia difficile. “Vede signora, suo figlio è bravo ed intelligente ma non si applica…” Così parlano di noi cittadini del centro storico. Studiare, dunque. Sperando che serva e non sia tardi. Poiché ancora oggi ho la percezione di partecipare ad un’illusione: quella di chi crede di poter fermare con la schiena un treno in corsa. Mentre i macchinisti a Copenhagen chiacchierano.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lotrimin More Drug_uses

Mama Africa tour

The most beautiful photos of Mama Africa Festival 2009 are now around the city . A bit 'of warmth and color in this gray end of autumn. A game of contrasts and thoughts that migrate to the next summer. A hearty thanks to Franco for the photos.