Thursday, December 24, 2009

Micardis More Drug_side_effects

Greetings and credits

"... It 's so easy to laugh

is so easy to hate It takes strength to be gentle and polite
's so easy to laugh is so easy to hate

it takes guts to be gentle and kind ... "

I know it's over The Smiths, 1986

Merry Christmas and Happy 2010

Greetings to those who have started all over again,
who has danced dangerously between this side el'aldilà,
who is stricken and dumb in front of ' extreme gesture of a friend, who
this year on Christmas Day will have a diner in less
to those who are afraid of thieves and the puppet hanging from the balcony of a thief dressed in red
to those expecting a train in the cold to make Christmas where he lived as a child,
who this year will reach many panettone that will fill the void of his life in a nursing home,
to those who are still traveling
to those who have found their way home,
those who are not waiting tables for lack of staff, who
happily playing and singing, despite everything,
who is already thinking about preparing for fires in January, who also
tonight will put six layers with the heater burning all the night in a red house just outside Pontremoli,
the door to those who have the doormat that says "welcome" but does not open the door to anybody, who directs traffic
to those who still search in vain for a history edifying - a rare commodity now - to tell in a post Christmas. These cards come from barbers
anonymous. Anonymous, unrecognized by anyone, as under the sky of Pontremoli are long and those who would harm to do for a country confident and friendly to the ideas, persons, and especially the future of himself. These cards come from barbers recognized and recognizable. Recognized as the desire of many to act on the stage of the Rose but claiming that no one boos the bad interpretations, not even from the gallery. Recognizable, such as those who willfully and without accepting help, seek the lost house key under the street lamps of the streets because there is no light, even though they lost in the darkness of Solchetti. These cards are
leave. Thank you all, anonymous, acknowledged and recognized that with respect, affection or disappointment you have attended this workshop. And if someone ci ha pensati guastafeste senza invito, ritenendosi offeso per una torta in faccia, sappia che “non lo si è fatto apposta”. Questo blog non voleva abbattere il tiranno ma il suo castello dentro di noi. Non abbiamo pensato di essere infettivi, portatori di opposizione. Volevamo solo salvare dalla discarica i dettagli, le storie, le speranze di una città. Per questo abbiamo scritto post carini accanto ad altri che sono un fiasco, ma ne abbiamo scritto pochi, crediamo, che sono una bugia. It was only a weblog, i’m sorry.

(best wishes from Annacarla, Ottavio, Barbér Pompeo)


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