Sunday, November 29, 2009

Wakeboarding Birthday Card

on elegance and its opposite

"what the night can not run more than

whores who go to the TV while the children guardan
that are the bosses, who buy as
who are sophisticated call from the NAS ... "Those Who

Benpensano, Frankie Hi-Nrg Mc

Elegance is the theme of the next party at the Youth Center, December 7. We are not pitting, we adhere to a call on the topic.
on elegance , the real one. Not to be confused with the arid appearance and detachment that often hide little snob elegant ways of life. ... Why
elegance is not a dress gala is respect for those he meets, regardless of its dress;
is not a sedan from 60 000 euro: is the slow pace of those who still enjoys a stroll on foot
do not rub it with a poodle on a leash: You collect the droppings left by their dogs on the street, not the politically correct
withdrawal from alcohol: Drinking is knowing one or more of a glass in the company without becoming brutes;
not exploit the idea of \u200b\u200bthe wisdom of elders is to leave room for those who come after, knowing that everyone does their time, not all time is not
buy The New York Times because it is neutral (?) is the own form opinions respecting those of others;
is not a full waiver of any thing to be able to offer its guests: the guest is welcome, even unknown, and offer him a glass of water and its vicinity;
not defend the peace and silence of the night: it is to compromise between the demands of their rest and those who look for leisure;
not vote for a moderate party: it is put before the choice of a balance to the balance;
not defend traditional values \u200b\u200band present them as universal and unchanging over time is to cultivate the culture of doubt, to offer citizenship to new ideas and try to understand them;
not attend the private school: it is to learn from anyone who has something to transmit and share knowledge, not
is tenaciously guard elections, institutions and places in the front row is holding tenaciously cultivating and community service;
is not easy when sentencing immigrant criminals: You denounce promiscuity and the exclusion of a recluse, isolated community in a house red through the meadows and the state;
not present itself as the soul and saving the life of the historic center and agrees to be the undisputed owners of the square just because you work there;
elegance to finally play at the festival bells on the day of his funeral, leaving a smile away the pain.

(by Ottavio & Pompeo)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fioricet More Drug_uses

mesh Detachable race

"It was a train that took me away from here
but a train can't bring me home...
Train Song, Tom Waits
Si narra che avesse scoperto il sistema alla stazione ferroviaria pensando subito di farne tesoro. Da sempre accade che tra le stazioni di Pontremoli e Grondola la salita renda insufficiente la prestazione del locomotore. Così, per i treni pesanti è prevista "la spinta". Un locomotore aggiuntivo va in coda al treno agganciandolo con un dispositivo un pò artigianale chiamato "maglia sganciabile in corsa". Con un gioco di fischi, i macchinisti dei locomotori di testa e di coda si accordano per dare insieme trazione e spinta. Arrivati a Grondola la spinta si sgancia al volo e torna a Pontremoli in attesa di un nuovo intervento. La "maglia sganciabile" gli era sembrata un'ottima soluzione anche per la gestione della sua difficile amministrazione. Nel ruolo di temporanea spinta aveva così agganciato di volta in volta le varie opposizioni, esterne e interne. Momentanei consensi, prudenti collaborazioni, fugaci agganci e sganci in corsa. Dopo le prime difficoltà, aveva anche ottenuto qualche apprezzabile risultato: la partenza della raccolta porta a porta dei rifiuti, la chiusura dei debiti con le banche, l'apertura pomeridiana delle Poste. Il sistema sembrava funzionare. Una sola spinta non gli riusciva di agganciare: l'opinione public. In time, someone had predicted in its program every six months a public meeting. " Meetings always postponed, too difficult and embarrassing expected. Now, rather, with Detent to his party was looking for a push for another trip, a new position in Florence. A review of the regulations had prevented the coupling to the first tentativo.Pazienza. Meanwhile, the locomotive remained in detention awaiting public.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Necrosis More Condition_treatment

diet? No thanks!

Hello people of working
today I thought you would please, given the incumbent parties,
di un tutorial velocissimo e facilissimo!
inizialmente queste erano delle bomboniere... me ne sono innamorata e....ora le metto dappertutto
anche come chiudipacco!!!
Scommettiamo che ve ne innamorate pure voi?


Occorrente: avanzi di feltro o pannolenci di vari colori.
decidete se fare i piccoli o i grandi e procedete così:
per i piccoli tagliare the felt pieces of 8 cm x 38
for large 12 X 42
(sizes can be customized, just keep your account in calculating the height that will be divided in half, then cut always double final height)

bent over and secured with a quick point at the base
various stiscioline



affianchiamo 2 striscie in colori diversi

cominciamo ad arrotolare....e già qualcosa si intravede!


quando avremo finito to roll, cut the inner strip a little shorter than the exterior

work of hot glue (or points hidden)
and join the terminal to roll

hey presto ... baked the first trick!
We just have to decorate as you like ...

also decorate the side with inventories of trimming, e. ..

.... let loose your vein pastry!

not they are cute?
Above are easy, fast and ... does not make you fat!
Which is not bad with the upcoming holidays!
Good job

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lipoma More Condition_treatment

Ladies and gentlemen, good night

- Mr does not believe it would be, waiting to know the truth, to give his resignation from his high office ...
- Young man, step down, never! This would be a wrong move!
- She would like to say that his resignation would be an implicit recognition of the accusations ...
- No, no, I did not resign to fight my fight from a position of privilege. From my place I can easily control the investigation, pollute the evidence, bribe witnesses can, in fact, mislead the course of justice.
- Mr but is not illegal, against the law?
- Oh no, young man, I respect the laws, and especially the law of the jungle. And since at this moment I am the strongest mean advantage, it is my chief duty!
- But those who owe it, please?
- But to the electorate that gave me the vote to gain seats from me, licenses, permits, contracts, because they stood behind in evasioni fiscali, in amministrazioni di fondi neri, crolli di dighe mal costruite, scandali, ricatti, contrabbando di valuta.
- Scusi, ma che cacchio sta dicendo?
- Io sto dicendo che l’elettorato vede in me un prevaricatore. Se invece voleva scegliere un uomo probo, onesto e perbene, ma che dava i voti a me? Addio ragazzo...
Marcello Mastroianni, Carlo Bagno, in Signore e signori, buonanotte

Quando provi a mettercela tutta, quando provi a fermare i pensieri sulle storie della tua piccola città, quando vorresti limitarti a piantonare la tua piccola trincea quotidiana, quando pensi che questo possa bastare, ti accorgi che non ce la potrai mai fare. La realtà è più grande, tracima misera e inquietante gli argini che ti sei costruito e invade da ogni lato la soglia della tua attenzione. E non c’è verso di restare indifferenti.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Image Of Staph Infection From Brazilian Waxing

Do not look for the Zen masters

Tu la conosci la stor ia del maestro zen e del bambino? C’è un bambino che per il suo quattordicesimo compleanno riceve un cavallo, e tutti nel villaggio dicono: “Che meraviglia, ha ricevuto un cavallo!”, e il maestro zen dice “Vedremo”. Due anni dopo cade da cavallo e si rompe una gamba, e al villaggio dicono:”E’ terribile, e il maestro zen dice:”Vedremo”. Then war broke out and all young people should go and fight but the guy who hurt his leg reduced, and all the village said: "How wonderful ... - And the Zen master says:" We'll see "
PS Hoffman and Tom Hanks in Charlie Wilson's War

They built a wall to separate people. A great symbol of false peace. All wept in those days, and the Zen master said, "We'll see." After so many years and much effort was finally knocked down the wall. All cried out "Oh, wonderful!", And the Zen master said, "We'll see." Instead of a wall edificaron it very much. Physical walls of our neighborhoods city \u200b\u200bwalls to protect our mental indifference, walls to repel the desperate naval sea. Walls, walls and even walls. And while all eyes turned to the Zen master a confident young man approached him to seek solace. And the Zen master, taking a deep breath, looked up at the sky, immediately lowered them, then come off your hands up and prepared to cut ... and gave him a lot ... but many ... but many ...!
Moral: when is now, see to get busy and forget about the Zen masters.