Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Necrosis More Condition_treatment

diet? No thanks!

Hello people of working
today I thought you would please, given the incumbent parties,
di un tutorial velocissimo e facilissimo!
inizialmente queste erano delle bomboniere... me ne sono innamorata e....ora le metto dappertutto
anche come chiudipacco!!!
Scommettiamo che ve ne innamorate pure voi?


Occorrente: avanzi di feltro o pannolenci di vari colori.
decidete se fare i piccoli o i grandi e procedete così:
per i piccoli tagliare the felt pieces of 8 cm x 38
for large 12 X 42
(sizes can be customized, just keep your account in calculating the height that will be divided in half, then cut always double final height)

bent over and secured with a quick point at the base
various stiscioline



affianchiamo 2 striscie in colori diversi

cominciamo ad arrotolare....e già qualcosa si intravede!


quando avremo finito to roll, cut the inner strip a little shorter than the exterior

work of hot glue (or points hidden)
and join the terminal to roll

hey presto ... baked the first trick!
We just have to decorate as you like ...

also decorate the side with inventories of trimming, e. ..

.... let loose your vein pastry!

not they are cute?
Above are easy, fast and ... does not make you fat!
Which is not bad with the upcoming holidays!
Good job


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