Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How To Do Floor Wipers Exercise

Subtleties Gag

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Photo: Claudio Fuentes Madan

The tail of the bus Coppelia is a special place, a corner so that if a characteristic days disappear Havana would not be the same. Yesterday at 10 pm waiting for the bus and P4 with a woman next to me commented that her daughter was "busy" city for the feast of the CDR (Committee for the Defense of the Revolution, ndt). "You want to joke, ma'am?" I asked as she looked at me from serial killer.
Complying with the order of the driver - there was no place for a single person in P4 - I got the back door. A drunk behind me pushing to go first, but he staggered and had a bottle of rum in hand, was unable to stay in balance and fell. The driver accelerated when the man tried to climb and almost gave us the skin.
The woman next to me who had spoken "of the holiday," he cried out, but I said, "With the hangover that will not be found on the corner." She added: "It could just be a black man. The blacks are all the same ... "and she started to make a speech about" those blacks "that if he heard Martin Luther King would die again. I looked around ashamed. My traveling companions were all white. No one opened his mouth and I realized that no one would said a word in defense of blacks. I became hysterical after me I'm sorry, but at that moment I wanted to take her by the neck, especially since he made that speech to his daughter. A really bad example!
"Lady" I said "if I cried Down with Fidel! she would be the first to get angry. I want to explain why I have to bear to hear her speak as if he were the president of the Ku Klux Klan? And if I cried Esteban Lazo Down! (one of the chairmen of the board with black skin, ndt) is annoyed anyway? ". The sentence has venuta fuori abbastanza scomposta. La signora non ha replicato. La gente mi fissava e d’un tratto mi sono sentita come se fossi uscita da una tomba del cimitero Colón, con i vermi e mezzo teschio fuori.
Mi sono resa conto che  non mi sarei calmata. Non si dovrebbe affrontare un dialogo in questo modo, ma a volte scappa la pazienza. Alla fermata di 23 e A sono scesa. Ho  percorso a piedi il restante tragitto che mi separava da casa, parlando da sola. 

Traduzione di Gordiano Lupi

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Off White Comic Homepage

El Dorado and the left of the twenty-first century

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Photo: Leandro Feal, de la serie "Trato de vivir with swing

My only certainty is that they are not communist, the rest I have not clear ideas. I am tyring to develop policies. Maybe because I was born in a different system from that in force in the rest of the world - outside the boundaries of right and left of other places - based on the power of one man and ruled by whims. I like to listen to people when they explain their policy positions (Even if they think in an orthodox manner), but it baffles me not to feel drawn to none. Apart from the rights and freedoms of the human being, I'm looking for other causes worth fighting for.

But a law, we inform and strives to understand the world, especially the ideologies that they do move. Instead of getting on a plane, and the four pages of a book consumed by a large number of readers or a documentary recorded on a memory card I tell the story of humanity that lives beyond the sea. In general, I decided to prescribe a range of standards for comparison is not crazy. There is little point, from my point of view, trying to compare a democracy with a capitalist country, a dictatorship with a developing country. Can I compare the U.S. with Europe, Mexico, with Argentina, Chile or Haiti, Cuba with the old Soviet Union countries, with Iran, with Chile's Pnochet, with Franco's Spain and even with North Korea. Any other comparison, Cuba, Uruguay, for example, is marked by a primary antagonism: Society against totalitarian rule of law.

So when a European trade union is trying to convince me about the "results of the Cuban revolution," I want to cry. First I have to try to make him understand that in Cuba there is no union, at least not historically known as the workers' union, used to assert the rights of workers against owner, company or state. It would be important to go to the root of the concept, respect for the meaning of nouns do not fall into the ambiguity, as does my friend Reinaldo Escobar, "a spade a spade, dictatorship to dictatorship."

On this point the ideas of some left, unfortunately, tend to confuse me a lot. I meet people who condemn all dictatorships save the universe but my small town, get offended when they hear about with respect and revere Franco Fidel Castro. Other hate the Western press for being too sensationalist but do not criticize the line fixed by one party to our magazines. Other assicurano che la politica degli Stati Uniti è interventista ed egemonica, ma hanno combattuto in Nicaragua, Angola ed Etiopia. Altri ancora protestano per le strade di New York contro la guerra in Iraq brandendo un cartello raffigurante Ernesto Guevara grande un metro per un metro. Infine conosco persone che definiscono il governo del mio paese “Rivoluzione”.

Non voglio dare una mano a una sinistra che è diventata filosoficamente crudele. Tuttavia non posso accettare che certi risultati (educazione e salute suppongo) vengano raggiunti a detrimento delle mie libertà e dei miei diritti. Non posso essere obbligata a ringraziare eternamente una giunta militare al potere da oltre mezzo secolo perché c’è un medico di famiglia I guarantee that a free Pap test every two years. I can not risk a sentence of twenty years in prison for writing what I think just because I went to school without paying. There is nothing more ruthless and more cruel in this "end justifies the means."

maybe I just confuse me, but in this situation I think there is something unclear. Leftists who defend the rights of the disenfranchised, the pacifists, the liberators of thought, the emancipated radical of money, the ultra-utopian world of a social and beneficial, they speak of my island never use words such as autocracy, militarism, socialism State yellow press, the state monopoly, or simply dictatorship. They could not use that period if they think it is too strong, but replace it with "revolution" is excessively violent hyperbole.

translation of Gordian Wolves
www.infol.it / wolves

Monday, September 20, 2010

Mirena More Drug_side_effects

redundancies and privatization

Working for the state is a suplizio: the salary is not enough to pull forward, productivity is zero, accounting is chaotic and, moreover, must bear the boring meetings of a union that represents anything but the operai.Tuttavia, someone took all these conditions with stoicism and endured years of statism in its workplace. Masochism is not what they plan to swarm the state bureaucracy but little faith that the private investment is enough to be able to grow old.

is not the first time the government decides-neck with the water - to allow the initiative of private citizens to pull up the national economy. We have already seen in the nineties the emergence of paladares (small restaurants at home), accommodations, taxi drivers do it yourself, kiosks where they sell food, household utensils. Today almost nothing remains of that explosion of workers on their own. And 'that's the problem: how long you can maintain a business?
put up in private restaurant, renting rooms, selling pizzas, which are not investment is recouped in the short term. People want to see the fruit of his efforts but the likelihood that a bureaucrat will knock on the door to take away the documents has been cyclical in the history of the Revolution. I have a friend who had a "Paladar" quite popular during one afternoon two years later came an inspector who has removed all of the documents to "verify". It 'still there waiting to give it back. Could not reopen the doors of his restaurant. He never received any explanation. He had not broken any law.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Alcoholic Liver Disease More Condition_symptoms

Another school

Photo: Leandro Feal

has changed three times his son to school. A bit 'fault of teachers emerging bisdrucciole ensure that the words do not exist and for political propaganda, not take it anymore. The last time he takes the child to the theater to have assigned the role of Antonio Guerrero (one of the five Cuban spies imprisoned in the USA). The baby is out of the first school with three notes in his diary: one for having borrowed the eraser, to have another cry of want to go home, and the more absurd, for not wanted to sign for consent under the previous notes.

In the second elementary school, the director has been welcoming new students and their parents with a friendly: "This school is a double section" instead of a double session. Poor thing, he wanted to know that there were lessons morning and afternoon. Then, in the group meeting, the basic guide warned, "Do not worry if you are 17 and do not leave children: who does not behave well remains in detention."

I'm not in that way, the "historic leaders" will fare to repair all the damage done to the national school system. An increase of budget for teaching is not sufficient in quanto il male va oltre al problema economico, pagare uno stipendio decente servirebbe se gli insegnanti avessero le conoscenze accademiche e pedagogiche necessarie a svolgere il loro mestiere, tuttavia, non è così. Per formare un nuovo collegio di docenti a livello nazionale occorrerà aspettare almeno dieci anni. E, nel frattempo, cosa impareranno i nostri figli?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Angina More Condition_treatment

The Cuban model no longer works for us even

Il modello cubano non funzionava per noi neppure quando l’ho pensato.

Quando è caduto il blocco socialista il modello non funzionò neppure per noi.

Per molto che rifletta, il modello cubano non funzionerà più.

The Cuban model did not work even with Chavez.

Before me, the Cuban model had worked.

Although it has been created on the Cuban model, went to pieces.

The Cuban model will not work for us even when Raúl
has made the changes.

is possible that the Cuban model is not working even for us.

The fact that the Cuban model did not work does not disturb my visits

If the Cuban model worked for us, I would not have created me.

If the Cuban model it worked for us, I retract the same.

The Cuban model will never work.

The Cuban model would work in another dimension. Who will publish on

Granma, the Cuban model
not work, will be shot.

Works, Cuban model!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sids More Condition_symptoms


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Spining Montaż Zestawu


Photo: Penúltimos Días

I made a great effort not to write about
Fidel Castro. First, because I can not say anything serious on account of
a person (sometimes I like to take things lightly less), in
secondly because the reading of his reflections mi fa lo stesso effetto di alcune riviste di fantascienza (mi piace il genere), e terzo perché il Comandante in Capo è oggi, nonostante tutto, un fantasma del passato della politica cubana.

Ma non smette di parlare! Pubblica libri, predice il
futuro della specie umana, parla di se stesso, confonde José Martí con Lenin,
cambia il passato, annulla l’oggi e fa le bizze nel presente perché ha i giorni
contati. Continua ad apparire a ripetizione su palcoscenici molto più simili a
un teatro dell’assurdo che alla politica senza speranza di un sistema in
rovina. Può essere nell’acquario come in una sessione straordinaria
dell’Assemblea Nazionale, but even though the stagings are redundant
need to indulge his whims. Always surrounded by bodyguards (the
called avatars because of physical prowess
) Elder wobbles but does not fall to the depths of his mind destroyed
from power. Having led for so many years the life of a messiah,
is now impossible to think that Fidel Castro's death will not change the course of history
, that the year zero will not be repeated, that Cuba will continue its path and its
brother will or will not make some changes when he
there will be more (before being absorbed by his own will only change when
). He wrote his apocalittico copione come anteprima della sua
dipartita. Non ci porterà via con lui perché non può, ma fino all’ultimo
istante della sua permanenza sulla terra distribuirà ruoli, taglierà teste, offenderà
i suoi nemici e annuncerà - per mezzo di qualunque allucinante teoria - la fine
del mondo. Morirà, ma prima tenterà di farci credere che tutta l’umanità finirà
nella fossa insieme a lui.

Isolato da tutto, la realtà si è trasformata nello specchio di un futuro
dove la sua immagine non è compresa. Ormai non gli interessa la storia e la
guerra fredda è un cadavere putrefatto che non sarà mai rianimato. La sua unica
possibilità è costruirsi uno scenario dove lui non sia la premonizione della
sua stessa malattia, ma la malattia del resto dell’umanità: la guerra nucleare
come palliativo della mortalità di un semplice essere umano. Chi ci crede bene
e chi non ci crede sarà spinto da paura e opportunismo a collaborare per eseguire
questo sporco lavoro. Ogni attore della messa in scena interpreta
diligentemente il suo ruolo, che sia chiedere a tutta la plastica cubana di
riprodurre i cinque eroi fino a sollecitare
in lacrime un bacio del Comandante.

Mentre al governo fanno i salti mortali per evitare il
rapido collasso del sistema economico, i poteri si rimettono i sesto e la
Corruption is reshaping the new face of totalitarianism island, Fidel Castro
- University of Havana - look eternity in the same land that will engulf him.
"Cuba has the tough task to warn humanity of the real danger is that
running, and in this task we must not lose heart." Despite this, the
his speech is lost in useless faces an audience made up of twenty-
bored, you do not feel in debt, which asks only to flee the country
from any port and on a possible nuclear confrontation reminds
only a movie called "Lisanka. Comrade Fidel speaks in front of an audience
uninterested in his misunderstood mortality and its prediction
atomic catastrophe, because the only thing unpredictable student at the University of Havana
their twenties