I miss the time, I no longer have, I can not jump from this blog to all others. I'm sorry but I have to reduce them, among other things, I fully understand that my way of Satriano network so it controproducente.Il time that was crystallized in the lines that I beat up dozens of blogs, there are also inside the defeats and errors of a man who has substantial limitations in respect of a certain type of communication. I would like to be different and feel better, I'll try on another space, another mind.
All that's left of me will rest more on approval, will HERE. I hope and live a dignified end and less confrontational. I have nothing else to say, I think I said too much in recent years and now are gradually closing the space: it seems to me something physiological.
Chip Carving: Wood Carving Knife Rita Arcaleni ** Email: **
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Citalopram More Drug_warnings_recalls
florins, fiorello .... well here!
scusate la poca fantasia ma data l'ora la mia materia grigia funziona a rilento.
Il tutorial di oggi è davvero facilissimo, non ha bisogno di macchine per cucire,
quindi adatto a tutte.
Queste peonie sono bellissime dal vivo e si prestano a mille soluzioni
basta usare la fantasia....
possono decorate the table for next Easter ....
can be used as a jewel ....
you can decorate a hat, a coat ....
and so on and so forth .... I know we can not tell you all right?
we go to the tutorial .... very easy and fast.
I want to clarify that I chose the color to white,
but these are beautiful flowers in other colors ....
scraps of cloth of satin, satin, silk, chiffon, taffeta or organza (instead you can use the organza veil for wedding favors, valid surrogate)
I recommend not using other materials, only those listed sono quelle adatte,
una candela accesa, (che non serve a creare atmosfera!) ^____^
filo, qualche perlina
dal cartamodello, tagliare più volte i vari pezzi
a seconda di quanti petali e quanto "pieno si voglia fare il fiore.
io ho tagliato 2 pezzi per forma in raso
e 2 pezzi per forma in organza
non siate troppo accorte nel tagliare....petali irregolari
daranno fiori più originali
close enough but not too petals to the warmth of flame,
you will see that will melt the edges and may curl, taking various forms
and never equal to each other
(attention, depending on the fabric used varies the distance
organza is one that needs to be more distant)
do some testing with the fabrics before you start the real petal
getting too close to the flame to the fabric edges will blacken
and run the risk of burn everything!
after spending all parties in the heat of the flame
begin to assemble,
alternate layers until all
(not ours, but the petals eheheheh)
start with the larger shape and end up with the smaller
forming a tower
when we finished stacking all the pieces,
We must stop them by sewing some beads at the center
and voila ... .. finished already!
are not beautiful?
Have fun to those who decide to try ....
the pattern is very easy and I repeat, less is more regular work is good,
could do well by themselves, but if you're a little lazy with paper and pencil ....
also picked mine!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Labeling Parts Of A Ship
simply disrespectful to distance accomplices Counters
Thought of the morning-
Back where they came from. Leave without regret becoming a silly self-congratulation, but to leave.
Basically I would not be neither the first nor the last to be defeated by what they do not understand and I can not handle, it takes very little hand. Just a couple of clicks. Thought-
following Given the current context I prefer to stay, Antonella.
The alternatives are there, not deny it: we call strategic retreat o sdegnoso sorvolo dei campi minati. Come dovrei chiamare altrimenti la “moderazione dei commenti” ? Essa nasce dall’implicita ammissione della propria discutibile, aggressività intellettuale e dell’altrui presumibile sciocca volgarità. Moderazione dei commenti come sinonimo di steccato o muraglia; qui dentro omologazione solo il bianco, fuori il nero esclusivamente.
Il confronto diventa una parola vuota, uno scheletro lasciato al sole ad essiccare: guardate cosa è diventata la Blogosfera oggi, quanto somigli sempre più alla società corrosa in cui viviamo.
Perché io leggo cose che altri non vedono nemmeno? Quante note sono ammesse nello spartito?
smile when I think of my younger years all aimed at destroying a measure, an education that today I appear distant and almost dreamy. Even naming it seems a silly typo in mind.
When my cousin convinced me to start a blog I thought it was fascinating and enjoyable adventure, I thought it was a more social freedom of my previous years "normal" I thought, I admit, they have something to give .
Now here I am mumbling sorrows and thoughts, reviews trickle in, to swallow criticism for fear of arousing virtual endless feuds. I loved, I loved very much, and did not understand? I loved beyond measure and tried to make sense, even to spend my time, tell it was my culture, was also a bit 'of my life. I blame heavy
: privileged relationship with the female and this penalizes me, there was no need for confirmation of the Web, are not malleable, I think it's best not necessary, then shock and hurt.
What's new about this? There that my limit has run substantial formal discovered limited and inadequate to the dynamics of blogs whose degree of hypocrisy and violence, stupidity passes for culture, I turned out to be unsustainable. From this it follows naturally to another concept: that of an intellectual arrogance and "social" is not manageable without a wall to defend from the hordes of barbarians roaming the moors. The approval is required, all right, it is essential! Any course, my circles as appropriate for your associates.
For some time I decided to post only music I had the conviction that the soundtrack of my blog and tell me more than words: I am a fool, he understood that only a person like me, lives in a another world.
Eventually all know what is left? It remains that this individual and some bloggers have decreed:
my old age to be completed in solitude because everything flows, everything is useful, niente è indispensabile.
Ho letto e non mi sono riconosciuto, Antonella, io non sono quell’individuo lercio e sbiadito: Enzo Rasi è un’altra persona, peggiore di quella perché non sa ridere o perdonare la fatua esteriorità presa a modello di vita.
Ci penserò a lungo come un incidente che guarda se stesso e non si capacita di essersi rotto.
Thought of the morning-
Back where they came from. Leave without regret becoming a silly self-congratulation, but to leave.
Basically I would not be neither the first nor the last to be defeated by what they do not understand and I can not handle, it takes very little hand. Just a couple of clicks. Thought-
following Given the current context I prefer to stay, Antonella.
The alternatives are there, not deny it: we call strategic retreat o sdegnoso sorvolo dei campi minati. Come dovrei chiamare altrimenti la “moderazione dei commenti” ? Essa nasce dall’implicita ammissione della propria discutibile, aggressività intellettuale e dell’altrui presumibile sciocca volgarità. Moderazione dei commenti come sinonimo di steccato o muraglia; qui dentro omologazione solo il bianco, fuori il nero esclusivamente.
Il confronto diventa una parola vuota, uno scheletro lasciato al sole ad essiccare: guardate cosa è diventata la Blogosfera oggi, quanto somigli sempre più alla società corrosa in cui viviamo.
Perché io leggo cose che altri non vedono nemmeno? Quante note sono ammesse nello spartito?
smile when I think of my younger years all aimed at destroying a measure, an education that today I appear distant and almost dreamy. Even naming it seems a silly typo in mind.

Now here I am mumbling sorrows and thoughts, reviews trickle in, to swallow criticism for fear of arousing virtual endless feuds. I loved, I loved very much, and did not understand? I loved beyond measure and tried to make sense, even to spend my time, tell it was my culture, was also a bit 'of my life. I blame heavy
: privileged relationship with the female and this penalizes me, there was no need for confirmation of the Web, are not malleable, I think it's best not necessary, then shock and hurt.
What's new about this? There that my limit has run substantial formal discovered limited and inadequate to the dynamics of blogs whose degree of hypocrisy and violence, stupidity passes for culture, I turned out to be unsustainable. From this it follows naturally to another concept: that of an intellectual arrogance and "social" is not manageable without a wall to defend from the hordes of barbarians roaming the moors. The approval is required, all right, it is essential! Any course, my circles as appropriate for your associates.
For some time I decided to post only music I had the conviction that the soundtrack of my blog and tell me more than words: I am a fool, he understood that only a person like me, lives in a another world.
Eventually all know what is left? It remains that this individual and some bloggers have decreed:
my old age to be completed in solitude because everything flows, everything is useful, niente è indispensabile.
Ho letto e non mi sono riconosciuto, Antonella, io non sono quell’individuo lercio e sbiadito: Enzo Rasi è un’altra persona, peggiore di quella perché non sa ridere o perdonare la fatua esteriorità presa a modello di vita.
Ci penserò a lungo come un incidente che guarda se stesso e non si capacita di essersi rotto.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Scoter Metalcore Wheels
Poichè non sopporto le feste come quella delle donne, di S. Valentino, del Papà e della Mamma, di s. Ermete patrono della rete, siccome sono un insopportabile snob, il post sull'8 marzo lo scrivo oggi e lo dedico a Desa perchè this is right for me.
I'm about to write the post more difficult of my career because I have to speak in flattering terms of a person and a thorny issue and I have to simultaneously separate my size and my idea that those Carmela Carmen Consoli Carla S. Giuvanni 'to tip the province of Catania, born in 1974, professional cantantessa.
The idea of \u200b\u200bCarmen is the same for all media that are not clearly linked in one way or another to Berlusconi and that is that he represents the highest point of a culture that not many years is suffocating and Italy its social policy and human. The axiom is the following: If someone steps out of bed as a woman does not have spaces, but if the "from" will open doors otherwise unimaginable.
It 's true? Almost always, it is just a part of speech, the easiest, media and successful does not provide discounts, adjustments, or different perspectives. E 'ROCK perfect idea that only a great artist like you could bring in music.
Certainly if I were to refer to my own experience I should say that they fimminazzi of them we have always put a great deal; the way, when Carmela makes buttanazza or femme fatal is very good. Carmela do not know if I ever read these lines, but to make my sicunnu strafallaria as you make it a bit 'will be taken. (And please take it easy, really).
So the man and the woman took advantage of me: beyond a certain limit, on whose borders could argue until the end of time, everything becomes scientifically organized and create the current situation but also existed at the time of Prodi and before. I mean it's an attitude problem transverse Carmelina must say otherwise I can not hug you. The shortcut
feminine has always existed and under any regime, I do not say no pì favurie , but if even Concita Gregory used it in the first issue of Unity to "raise" sales. Let's do this, we say that is an old habit of human beings do ut des.
Let me respond to your place and drop the head , when is yours is yours.
Besides, I've sometimes be put aside because they do not provide adequate take-off and well-turned leg: then I consider myself as masculu discriminated against and damaged axiom of chick (by the way remember that Benigni was trying to touch the potato Carrà touched the top of Auditel, how come no one is offended and accused him? I'm sure the reasons are there and someone will find it in spades making me do the figure of the fool)
But Carmela is a woman of absolute thickness ever I saw it to leverage its indisputable physical qualities: Carmelina yes u suli bbedda Community but never a skirt, a boob out in Sanremo ... two years ago you made a speech of great class. I want to say a Sicilian (or rather from Catania) six spacchiosa, you have art, genius, talent and determination to sell, when you sing with that voice that always leaves a moment of dismay and temporary apnea make me die, Narcissus with his words of butter every two days I listen to it with the excuse to test the stereo but really to let the thoughts run ...
And they walk, up and down Etnea, go to the cinema in front of the Po, or they stop by Savia Spinella and then continue by Umberto.
Carmela, I do not know what is available not to look at the jug Fimmina, but look at them and imagine them in the manner of flock scorrect politically? Shit, let's hope not. If I hear and read interviews I fear that you have released so perhaps it can not be done unless the situation is serious and the bitch increase visibly the same
you say "Wanted handsome well-stocked enterprising young lady. A gifted young man, but more than anything else sweet and consent. Searching apprentice virtuous maidens honest businessman guaranteed offers unprecedented rise in career opportunity ... "
I would not want the provocation (which would otherwise rocker) stopped there, that the impact would stop to asphyxiated and one political, the other words that you have decided on the deep sense of cultural enjoyment in Italia e sulla bellezza insostituibile di un rapporto non viziato dal bisogno fra uomo e donna passasse in secondo piano. Non vorei che ci si fermasse solo a Berlusconi e che la canzone diventasse (tu consapevole e concorde) un nuovo manifesto per un paese triste e furente senza alcuna sensualità se non quella che può superare l'esame di tollerabilità a sinistra.
Carmela, così non funziona! Carmela nella terra dove sei nata accussì un quatra! Carmela per favore non rovinare tutto, non farti gestire dal circo della rete, della cultura progressiva a senso unico. Insomma fai la siciliana pì favuri , fuori dallo scontato e dagli applause of the young age of 18 you do realize that they are very mature, as you have loved and respected your father meets the woman in you teaching us the extent that women have always had real and serious.
And tell me where the hell I find the original video WANTED that those I have ver seen on the tube are quite worthwhile. Salute. IN ANY EVENT PHOTOS
I'm about to write the post more difficult of my career because I have to speak in flattering terms of a person and a thorny issue and I have to simultaneously separate my size and my idea that those Carmela Carmen Consoli Carla S. Giuvanni 'to tip the province of Catania, born in 1974, professional cantantessa.
The idea of \u200b\u200bCarmen is the same for all media that are not clearly linked in one way or another to Berlusconi and that is that he represents the highest point of a culture that not many years is suffocating and Italy its social policy and human. The axiom is the following: If someone steps out of bed as a woman does not have spaces, but if the "from" will open doors otherwise unimaginable.
It 's true? Almost always, it is just a part of speech, the easiest, media and successful does not provide discounts, adjustments, or different perspectives. E 'ROCK perfect idea that only a great artist like you could bring in music.
Certainly if I were to refer to my own experience I should say that they fimminazzi of them we have always put a great deal; the way, when Carmela makes buttanazza or femme fatal is very good. Carmela do not know if I ever read these lines, but to make my sicunnu strafallaria as you make it a bit 'will be taken. (And please take it easy, really).
So the man and the woman took advantage of me: beyond a certain limit, on whose borders could argue until the end of time, everything becomes scientifically organized and create the current situation but also existed at the time of Prodi and before. I mean it's an attitude problem transverse Carmelina must say otherwise I can not hug you. The shortcut
feminine has always existed and under any regime, I do not say no pì favurie , but if even Concita Gregory used it in the first issue of Unity to "raise" sales. Let's do this, we say that is an old habit of human beings do ut des.
"Yes, but Berlusconi has made a system of political representation indecent!"
Let me respond to your place and drop the head , when is yours is yours.

And they walk, up and down Etnea, go to the cinema in front of the Po, or they stop by Savia Spinella and then continue by Umberto.
Carmela, I do not know what is available not to look at the jug Fimmina, but look at them and imagine them in the manner of flock scorrect politically? Shit, let's hope not. If I hear and read interviews I fear that you have released so perhaps it can not be done unless the situation is serious and the bitch increase visibly the same
you say "Wanted handsome well-stocked enterprising young lady. A gifted young man, but more than anything else sweet and consent. Searching apprentice virtuous maidens honest businessman guaranteed offers unprecedented rise in career opportunity ... "

Carmela, così non funziona! Carmela nella terra dove sei nata accussì un quatra! Carmela per favore non rovinare tutto, non farti gestire dal circo della rete, della cultura progressiva a senso unico. Insomma fai la siciliana pì favuri , fuori dallo scontato e dagli applause of the young age of 18 you do realize that they are very mature, as you have loved and respected your father meets the woman in you teaching us the extent that women have always had real and serious.
And tell me where the hell I find the original video WANTED that those I have ver seen on the tube are quite worthwhile. Salute. IN ANY EVENT PHOTOS
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