's comment to Pierpaolo STURA brought me back to summer last year: the trauma is obviously deeper than I could imagine and I feel no discomfort underwear was sedated.
I also realize to be alone in this predicament. The chant that I feel more or less sing at the end of each speech is always the same: YOUR FACTS, ABOUT 'CAUSE ITS BAD ...
The young fellow I can not know many things, probably not even many of you know them: so much of the things I say are a chronic complain almost pathological. Not so, things are not so and here is someone playing dirty with my intelligence and with your, I do not invent anything is all written with nick, sites and dates. I wrote a post to advise this blogger securities Sicilian writers emerging. Then una'altra blogger had the courage to plead guilty for having made me the "joke" with my nick to comment on the blogs of my contacts. was August 2010

And sometimes anger takes over.
Explanations? What information, pure and simple reality.
The blog world is a fucking shit in most cases. It 'a shame SCIMMIOTTATURA COMMUNICATION OF CIVILIZATION' And other people's opinions. OFTEN 'also a fraud.
Who says he does not know and often do not want to know, commentators are guilty of that post as the author!
The publisher is dumb inventing what is not is authentic
indifference or blindness or the superficiality of those who read
Give me an award that the fans! Writing well aware that great ideas and shared! The
Wolf wrote a treatise on the preservation of the sheep, the whore converted another on the need of asceticism at all costs. Berlusconi a long article on the economic minimalism. Almadinejad a book on compliance and culture of Judaism in the world. Santoro a treatise on the plurality of information in a TV broadcast. Di Pietro a conference on European culture and etiquette of the century.
you write, you read every day: many of you think they communicate, we all do the same mistake, the same way forever, convinced by the blind to see us very well. THE TRUTH 'AND' OTHER AND 'WRITING.
This blogger continues to fool and has many fans: his system, my clever This kind of web, can destroy you at any time. But you are able to break the bales just an old man like me, you killed me and continue to maintain good relationship with her, and I promise to discuss the police investigation, Postal slipping on politics and society, literature and life and you should Shame on them all. Sometimes RAGE takes over
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