Friday, October 23, 2009

Gauge Adult Film Star

3 ... 2 ... 1 ... Happy Halloween!

Halloween is coming and we realized we had not prepared anything yet?
does not matter!!
thing or two here is very easy to do even with our little ones ....
ready? we start with the most likeable ghosts ....

and continue with the classic of classics: pumpkin! a piece of white cloth trimmed with scissors if possible zig-zag
of 25 X 25 cm. a ball (of wood, polystyrene, or any other material provided they are small)

wrap the ball with our square of cloth ....

close with a few laps wire to stop them ..... (if you leave the spire of wire hang a little longer)

draw eyes with a permanent marker fine point ....

and here they are ready! (Not so fast you expected, eh?)
^ ^ _

pass the pumpkin
orange fabric and a round base from which to mark a perfect circle (most are megalomaniac, the largest found base! I are "satisfied" of a plastic plate)

cut all the way around leaving an inch margin

che piegheremo (per evitare sfilacciamenti di tessuto) mentre faremo una filza con un cotone abbastanza resistente....


tiriamo leggermente il filo per arricciare....e imbottire con la solita ovatta sintetica...


fissiamo con qualche punto l'apertura


con una gugliata di filo long enough, we begin to form filaments ....

increasingly shifting from the center below ....

a ........

two ....

eight times!
always starting from the center and ending in the middle, above ... .

if it were to finish the thread ... rinforzatelo on the front and start again, always starting from the front (the nodes with the leaves will hide ...)

let us arm ourselves with hot glue ...

and attach a piece of cinnamon leaf and stem will be felt ....

hide obbrobbri now all we have done! eheheheh


ed ecco pronta anche la zucchetta!

p.s. il procedimento per fare la zucca è il medesimo che si usa per fare i citrullini puntaspilli....

quindi se non amate i vegetali, ma avete bisogno di un puntaspilli, vi basterà sostituire le foglie e la cannella con un bottoncino!

happy halloween to all!


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