words of Luis Alberto Garcia
Anche se ho ricevuto un invito via e-mail e diversi sms di amici per andare al Premio Nazionale delle Belle Arti concesso alll'artista René Francisco, non ci sono andata. Da quel concerto di Pedro Luis Ferrer in cui ho scoperto che il mio ingresso al Museo Nazionale di Belle Arti e ad altre istituzioni della cultura cubana era stato proibito, has overwhelmed me a strange "because if there is the flag, I do not know, I can not log in" *.
Now my relationship with the art of my country has become subtle and intimate pieces of public events I get through cable and USB ports. Probably listen to Luis Alberto Garcia in vivo is much more exciting with headphones in the solitude of my house. However until I decided that freedom of expression in Cuba is no longer a performance , I will not attend.
* This refers to the poetry of Jose Marti " Trembling and SOUL SINGLE "e ci if riferisce alla bandiera spagnola.
The soul trembling and alone
suffer the evening:
There is dancing, going to see
English dancer.
have done well to remove
The flag of the sidewalk;
Because if it's the flag,
I do not know, I can not go.
have done well to remove
The flag of the sidewalk;
Because if it's the flag,
I do not know I can not go.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Twedding Thanks Message
There was a concert
What hanno scorso week-end suonato The Blue Slug and Porno Para Ricardo in a distant room in the suburbs of Havana. The strategic agreement was beautiful, I still hurt my legs from time dancing and hoarse from time to sing "El Comandante." As soon as kilobytes will allow me, will upload a video of the concert and then I'll take the holiday season.
What hanno scorso week-end suonato The Blue Slug and Porno Para Ricardo in a distant room in the suburbs of Havana. The strategic agreement was beautiful, I still hurt my legs from time dancing and hoarse from time to sing "El Comandante." As soon as kilobytes will allow me, will upload a video of the concert and then I'll take the holiday season.
Preparing the concert |
Friday, December 17, 2010
Twedding Thanks Message For Friends
supported a debate with a friend on ethics and intellectual, and he accuses me: if you think so, you should say to these people. And I reply: How can I tell someone so intelligent, so wise, something so obvious? You do not think they know it? How do I tell an editor of a show that I think it should suspend its exposure because the artists involved are threatened by state security? How do I tell a musician that I think it would be ethically correct to terminate the agreement because there are people who can not get out because the place has been taken into police custody? How do I suggest a theorist that the conference should be suspended because some of those who are concerned can not participate because they are considered "counter"? With what right I would say all those things if I meeting among those threatened, between those who can not enter and those who are considered counter-revolutionary? I feel that my position, so little neutral, of course, forces me to shut some opinions. But I know that if I were in other circumstances, I would have thought the same thing.
My friend tells me that my answer is somewhat cowardly and probably ragione.Non I like to tell people what I consider to be ethical, I'm sure that they agree with me on these matters and for reasons far ethics, taking other positions.
I think I'm getting radical. When I was studying history at school told me it was something good. Is it true?
Photo: Lia Villares http://habanemia.blogspot.com
My friend tells me that my answer is somewhat cowardly and probably ragione.Non I like to tell people what I consider to be ethical, I'm sure that they agree with me on these matters and for reasons far ethics, taking other positions.
I think I'm getting radical. When I was studying history at school told me it was something good. Is it true?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
How To Set Up D2nt Bot
I still remember how full Special Period in my house was deteriorating before our eyes. The walls peel off, the bulbs were burned slowly, the doors and windows and rotting wood in general, everything becomes depleted too fast for my mind as a child. Sometimes I wonder why the world was becoming so bad over time, and was not a subjective reflection. I could never even began rispondermi.Poi chaos in my house. It seemed that things were not "there were" nowhere. There were boxes, clothing, paper and garbage everywhere. The worst thing was that the same thing was happening outside.
My mother, meanwhile, did not stop to mark the space with what he called "change." Once a month, moved all the furniture in the house from place to place. The armchair travel bagasse could be found outside the entrance of the apartment in January, by the phone in February, between the living and dining room in March or April on the balcony. The neighbors were thrilled with his persistence and, sometimes, when they came home crying, "But it seems that everything is new, how have you done?". Now that the years have passed, the phrase that makes me a strange sadness: her powerless before the fall of his home world, moving things from a place to another, as if doing so could stop the inevitable decline-I, instead, super happy at his side, proud to be a mother while the nearby sorceress supporters sympathize with the mirage that was introduced on our increasing poverty. The
always thank you for trying, without wavering for an instant, to make my life easier in the midst of so many problems, not have shoes for school, not having a coat, do not get the milk for the breakfast, finally, have absolutely nothing. If I were in his place one day I hope to have the balance to be with myself and with others exactly as it did not stop lei.Tuttavia understand now, after so long and in my adulthood, we have fed a placebo infinity would never solve our problems and if I look at large scale is the same as placebo that is consuming our nation: change things that should not be changed.
My mother, meanwhile, did not stop to mark the space with what he called "change." Once a month, moved all the furniture in the house from place to place. The armchair travel bagasse could be found outside the entrance of the apartment in January, by the phone in February, between the living and dining room in March or April on the balcony. The neighbors were thrilled with his persistence and, sometimes, when they came home crying, "But it seems that everything is new, how have you done?". Now that the years have passed, the phrase that makes me a strange sadness: her powerless before the fall of his home world, moving things from a place to another, as if doing so could stop the inevitable decline-I, instead, super happy at his side, proud to be a mother while the nearby sorceress supporters sympathize with the mirage that was introduced on our increasing poverty. The
always thank you for trying, without wavering for an instant, to make my life easier in the midst of so many problems, not have shoes for school, not having a coat, do not get the milk for the breakfast, finally, have absolutely nothing. If I were in his place one day I hope to have the balance to be with myself and with others exactly as it did not stop lei.Tuttavia understand now, after so long and in my adulthood, we have fed a placebo infinity would never solve our problems and if I look at large scale is the same as placebo that is consuming our nation: change things that should not be changed.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Hashimoto More Condition_treatment
a tutorial on request.
a cover-cake as a gift to be simple and easy and
na word! are usually very complex but ... you will not?
so even if with some delay here it is .... only 10 minutes to a little thing really pricey
the request was actually to do it felt, but honestly, given the time it was created
(2 am) I could not stand there thinner in width. = D
you still do it however you like ...
though felt, however, make better
is part ...
from the pattern (to those who so requests will be sent by mail)
cut 3 parts of the tree.
height pandoro this is, if you prefer you can shorten it by removing the last lap
(3 points side instead of 4)
bad picture apart, sew the first side to view!
no seams inside out and then
ditto for the second side ....
at this point we should have this "thing"
pass close to the last part, but after I put a ribbon at the top that
allows an easy grip to lift the cover-panettone
decorate to our taste (I chose simple gold tassels)
and .... here it is ready in no time!
^ _ ^ do not know if I could in order to satisfy the request received,
but I'm sure that will satisfy those with weapons to the very first creative sewing
and wants to give himself a little this Christmas!
kisses kisses and creativity to all
ps I received the request for a reindeer hyper-easy to a person who has just started to sew and create thanks to my blog. ...
really = D I'm quiet at work, even for the reindeer
hard but I'll make it easy ....
new short tutorial per te...e per tutte!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Spotting During Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms
asleep on my knees
Madan A full page of Granma, 9 November: Bruno Rodriguez transcript of the speech on climate change and on the first page Raul Castro president Machado Ventura and South Africa in Pinar del Río. Of course, not even a single word on the eve of Human Rights Day.
A law student friend of mine sent me this text message this morning: "I am on the steps with students who are waiting for the Ladies in White. Sound familiar? What can you do? The first raise your hand to win a fist in my face. " Too cynical, I would say, the fact of choosing a certificate of divorce, just December 10, law students at the University of Havana. They are the lawyers who defend us today, those who now spend the afternoon vilifying women whose loved ones are and have been sentenced for crimes of opinion?.
Cuba has signed the UN conventions on human rights. Up to where the hypocrisy comes when the Cuban government to repress those who think differently? While in Geneva, Foreign Minister makes semantic tricks to justify the totalitarian system it represents. On the streets of Cuba's political police demonstrates that our human rights, with or without UN pacts, are always on their knees.
Photo: Claudio Fuentes
Madan A full page of Granma, 9 November: Bruno Rodriguez transcript of the speech on climate change and on the first page Raul Castro president Machado Ventura and South Africa in Pinar del Río. Of course, not even a single word on the eve of Human Rights Day.
A law student friend of mine sent me this text message this morning: "I am on the steps with students who are waiting for the Ladies in White. Sound familiar? What can you do? The first raise your hand to win a fist in my face. " Too cynical, I would say, the fact of choosing a certificate of divorce, just December 10, law students at the University of Havana. They are the lawyers who defend us today, those who now spend the afternoon vilifying women whose loved ones are and have been sentenced for crimes of opinion?.
Cuba has signed the UN conventions on human rights. Up to where the hypocrisy comes when the Cuban government to repress those who think differently? While in Geneva, Foreign Minister makes semantic tricks to justify the totalitarian system it represents. On the streets of Cuba's political police demonstrates that our human rights, with or without UN pacts, are always on their knees.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Hyperthyroidism More Condition_treatment
What changes? The stumbling
Photo: Claudio Fuentes Madan
I found it hard to read eleven pages "necessary transformations in the National Health Service."
I feel that if it took all the apologies by the ideological as "the glorious leadership of our party" or "the great historical responsibility that we have with the future of the homeland," it would be a maximum of three pages.
Unfortunately, the capacity for synthesis has never been a virtue of those who govern us.
As if not enough to make things worse, there is not anything concrete in the text except that the movement of teams and personnel from place to place, the known and priority aid "internationalist" and a strange suggestion that there are redundancies of doctors, I say strange because to be honest I did not expect.
There is a phrase that speaks specifically of a wage increase for workers of the Ministry of Health, not to mention a guarantee of the quality of services to citizens. There is even a sentence of deliriously
(semantics and grammatically speaking) on \u200b\u200bmedical ethics: "The Medical Ethics Committee shall not act as a court, but should be seen as an Ideological Commission.
Can anyone imagine the practical consequences of such a sentence?
More of the same soup and still want called transformation.
Sometimes I really wonder if, even with political will, the government will be enough to fix the debacle that has constantly created in the public health.
Photo: Claudio Fuentes Madan
I found it hard to read eleven pages "necessary transformations in the National Health Service."
I feel that if it took all the apologies by the ideological as "the glorious leadership of our party" or "the great historical responsibility that we have with the future of the homeland," it would be a maximum of three pages.
Unfortunately, the capacity for synthesis has never been a virtue of those who govern us.
As if not enough to make things worse, there is not anything concrete in the text except that the movement of teams and personnel from place to place, the known and priority aid "internationalist" and a strange suggestion that there are redundancies of doctors, I say strange because to be honest I did not expect.
There is a phrase that speaks specifically of a wage increase for workers of the Ministry of Health, not to mention a guarantee of the quality of services to citizens. There is even a sentence of deliriously
(semantics and grammatically speaking) on \u200b\u200bmedical ethics: "The Medical Ethics Committee shall not act as a court, but should be seen as an Ideological Commission.
Can anyone imagine the practical consequences of such a sentence?
More of the same soup and still want called transformation.
Sometimes I really wonder if, even with political will, the government will be enough to fix the debacle that has constantly created in the public health.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Fibroids More Condition_treatment
Photo: Claudio Fuentes Madan, de la serie "With ham, Lechuga y petipuá"
is not the first time I feel like saying to Mariela Castro she should remain silent.
A very strange reaction in me because usually I try to encourage others to express what they want.
However, I find it hard because she decency, public policy for people like you, is essential.
The first time was when he called Yoani Sánchez Galletto insignificant.
E 'rather than a shameful political insults a journalist because of an awkward question but that the daughter of the heir of the insignificant to give to a Cuban national has been, without doubt, the pinnacle of cynicism on the part of the nomenclature.
should be clear that the demand author of Generation Y was not as uncomfortable as might have been an overreaction and Mariela shows the allergy that produces a free press.
In my opinion a very difficult question would be, for example, ask why the CENESEX not submit to the government a claim on behalf of homosexuals who suffered repression and abuse in the sixties, seventies and eighties, and deserve compensation and an official apology.
In this case, our princess, I believe, would surely have a heart attack.
Now, the CENESEX has on its home page this statement .
reminds me of a joke, very popular: the period does not make me special benefits nor harms me, but quite the opposite.
It turns out that Cuba has the exclusivity of being the only country in Latin America that is added to the "vote of the group of countries that include homosexuality as a crime under their law, including the application of capital punishment in five of them. "
V pointed out that the CENESEX is the only institution recognized by the government that supposedly represents the rights of homosexuals. What a shame!, My friends, read a sentence on that page of the National Centre for Sex Education, "and signed by its director!
Photo: Claudio Fuentes Madan, de la serie "With ham, Lechuga y petipuá"
is not the first time I feel like saying to Mariela Castro she should remain silent.
A very strange reaction in me because usually I try to encourage others to express what they want.
However, I find it hard because she decency, public policy for people like you, is essential.
The first time was when he called Yoani Sánchez Galletto insignificant.
E 'rather than a shameful political insults a journalist because of an awkward question but that the daughter of the heir of the insignificant to give to a Cuban national has been, without doubt, the pinnacle of cynicism on the part of the nomenclature.
should be clear that the demand author of Generation Y was not as uncomfortable as might have been an overreaction and Mariela shows the allergy that produces a free press.
In my opinion a very difficult question would be, for example, ask why the CENESEX not submit to the government a claim on behalf of homosexuals who suffered repression and abuse in the sixties, seventies and eighties, and deserve compensation and an official apology.
In this case, our princess, I believe, would surely have a heart attack.
Now, the CENESEX has on its home page this statement .
reminds me of a joke, very popular: the period does not make me special benefits nor harms me, but quite the opposite.
It turns out that Cuba has the exclusivity of being the only country in Latin America that is added to the "vote of the group of countries that include homosexuality as a crime under their law, including the application of capital punishment in five of them. "
V pointed out that the CENESEX is the only institution recognized by the government that supposedly represents the rights of homosexuals. What a shame!, My friends, read a sentence on that page of the National Centre for Sex Education, "and signed by its director!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Venereal Disease More Condition_treatment
From the negation of negation to the negation of the obvious
Photo: Claudio Fuentes Madan
I was lucky: I finished high school with one teacher for each subject.
few years later, the debacle began emerging teacher sentenced to non-specialization.
The same teacher had to teach the science and art of the whole school.
The old guard stepped back frightened education (experience, the mother of science!) And the majority of teachers went to another level of education, resigned or retired after a long career still underpaid.
After turning off the voice of experience, the Ministry of Education gave free rein to his fantasy of the absurd and after school without specialization, we went to classes on live TV.
To make matters worse, starvation wages and bad conditions of the classrooms were like before.
It ended the era of academic and entered the era ideological: more political and less education.
translation: The pitcher goes so often that it leaves its handle emerging and teachers are tired quickly of a tiring and not very profitable profession and the government has decided to punish them with seven years of compulsory social service in the classroom.
Corruption, neglect and mediocrity are located where once reigned the wisdom and teaching.
parents with more economic opportunities to send their children to tuition in private and the others are resigned to change school their children at every opportunity.
Now it occurred to someone to try a "new" recipe: education specialist. Now back in the days when the math teacher is only concerned with numbers, not syntax or historical dates.
Four or five schools in Havana serve as guinea pigs for this "unprecedented experiment" and parents, tra di loro alcuni amici miei, fanno l'impossibile perché i loro figli siano tra quelli scelti per " testare la nuova formula".
Photo: Claudio Fuentes Madan
I was lucky: I finished high school with one teacher for each subject.
few years later, the debacle began emerging teacher sentenced to non-specialization.
The same teacher had to teach the science and art of the whole school.
The old guard stepped back frightened education (experience, the mother of science!) And the majority of teachers went to another level of education, resigned or retired after a long career still underpaid.
After turning off the voice of experience, the Ministry of Education gave free rein to his fantasy of the absurd and after school without specialization, we went to classes on live TV.
To make matters worse, starvation wages and bad conditions of the classrooms were like before.
It ended the era of academic and entered the era ideological: more political and less education.
translation: The pitcher goes so often that it leaves its handle emerging and teachers are tired quickly of a tiring and not very profitable profession and the government has decided to punish them with seven years of compulsory social service in the classroom.
Corruption, neglect and mediocrity are located where once reigned the wisdom and teaching.
parents with more economic opportunities to send their children to tuition in private and the others are resigned to change school their children at every opportunity.
Now it occurred to someone to try a "new" recipe: education specialist. Now back in the days when the math teacher is only concerned with numbers, not syntax or historical dates.
Four or five schools in Havana serve as guinea pigs for this "unprecedented experiment" and parents, tra di loro alcuni amici miei, fanno l'impossibile perché i loro figli siano tra quelli scelti per " testare la nuova formula".
Monday, November 29, 2010
Combivent More Drug_warnings_recalls
rug still
questa volta non mi sembra il caso di fare tutorial...
questi due omini son davvero facilissimi
basta riportare il cartamodello su stoffa in doppio, cucire rivoltare, imbottire,
e adornare a piacere.....
stoffa marrone per il cioccolato...
stoffa avorio per la vaniglia....
pattern free
cascade of snowflakes .....
enough to bring the pattern on felt, cut and drill a small hole
to hang on ....
p.s. se usate il pannolenci al posto del feltro, vi verranno un pò mosci....
basterà farli in doppio e attaccarli con la colla per stoffa,
o semplicemente fargli un bagno in acqua e vinavil
una volta asciutti saranno durissimi!
buon lavoro a tutte!
Monday, November 22, 2010
What Is Bowel Infection
Christmas angel or elf?
photo ensemble .....
salve a tutte, e dopo un lunghissimo periodo di riposo....
si fa per dire
rieccomi con un nuovo tutorial qui craft up to the event.
this time ... we talk about angels or elves (free interpretation for what you want)
word very dear to many of us creative
the tutorial that I present to you is simple, with many steps it is true, but within reach of all
cut the fabric the various parts of the pattern
remember that the pattern is a free the shop of dreams,
just ask by email or leaving a post this message on
just ask by email or leaving a post this message on
stoffina ivory for the face, cotton colorata per il corpo e per il cappello,
feltro o pannolenci per i piedini, 30 cm di merletto
cominciamo con una filza tutto intorno al perimetro del pezzo avorio
tiriamo arricciando
e inseriamo un pò di ovattina per imbottire
chiudiamo completamente con piccoli punti l'apertura
questo dovrebbe essere il risultato
ripetiamo l'operazione con il pezzo ricavato dalla cotonina
tirare il filo fino a completa chiusura
chiudere con piccoli punti
con la colla attacchiamo sulla base liscia della palla ottenuta, i piedini
facciamo una filza e arricciamo il merlettino
e lavorando di colla.....
attacchiamolo al corpo dell'angioletto
riprendiamo la pallina avorio e decoriamo la testa attaccandoci i capelli
(scelta libera, io amo i capelli in lana ma voi potete farli come più vi piace)
mano alla colla....attacchiamo la testa al corpo
prendiamo ora l'altro pezzo di cotonina e cuciamo sui lati, rigiriamo dal dritto
posizioniamolo helping with the badges on the head of our little angel
(you can not put the hat if you do not like, and prefer to see the hair)
gleam from a piece of tape, if you have chosen Option angel
formed a staple that will be the wings
stuck on the back with a piece of ribbon to hang
now for the face, to decorate pleasure, I opted for painting, but
You can sew the smiley face or place of plastic eyes or if you find them around the tiny little buttons ... room for personal creativity!
final touch is always optional, at the height of a bell cap
and here is the result of a half hour of work ....
rascal emoticons, funny, sweet or keep
a job as always pricey, pricey, and simple in view of the upcoming holidays
good creativity to all!
ps I apologize for the bad success of the picture .... but the photographer was not much in the mood in truth,
say that he was forced to make sure the service sweet and loving that the threats are coming! ^______^
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