Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hyperthyroidism More Condition_treatment

What changes? The stumbling

Photo: Claudio Fuentes Madan

I found it hard to read eleven pages "necessary transformations in the National Health Service."
I feel that if it took all the apologies by the ideological as "the glorious leadership of our party" or "the great historical responsibility that we have with the future of the homeland," it would be a maximum of three pages.
Unfortunately, the capacity for synthesis has never been a virtue of those who govern us.

As if not enough to make things worse, there is not anything concrete in the text except that the movement of teams and personnel from place to place, the known and priority aid "internationalist" and a strange suggestion that there are redundancies of doctors, I say strange because to be honest I did not expect.
There is a phrase that speaks specifically of a wage increase for workers of the Ministry of Health, not to mention a guarantee of the quality of services to citizens. There is even a sentence of deliriously
(semantics and grammatically speaking) on \u200b\u200bmedical ethics: "The Medical Ethics Committee shall not act as a court, but should be seen as an Ideological Commission.
Can anyone imagine the practical consequences of such a sentence?

More of the same soup and still want called transformation.
Sometimes I really wonder if, even with political will, the government will be enough to fix the debacle that has constantly created in the public health.