Friday, December 17, 2010

Twedding Thanks Message For Friends



Photo: Lia Villares

supported a debate with a friend on ethics and intellectual, and he accuses me: if you think so, you should say to these people. And I reply: How can I tell someone so intelligent, so wise, something so obvious? You do not think they know it? How do I tell an editor of a show that I think it should suspend its exposure because the artists involved are threatened by state security? How do I tell a musician that I think it would be ethically correct to terminate the agreement because there are people who can not get out because the place has been taken into police custody? How do I suggest a theorist that the conference should be suspended because some of those who are concerned can not participate because they are considered "counter"? With what right I would say all those things if I meeting among those threatened, between those who can not enter and those who are considered counter-revolutionary? I feel that my position, so little neutral, of course, forces me to shut some opinions. But I know that if I were in other circumstances, I would have thought the same thing.

My friend tells me that my answer is somewhat cowardly and probably ragione.Non I like to tell people what I consider to be ethical, I'm sure that they agree with me on these matters and for reasons far ethics, taking other positions.

I think I'm getting radical. When I was studying history at school told me it was something good. Is it true?


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