Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Excessive Urination In Women


I miss the time, I no longer have, I can not jump from this blog to all others. I'm sorry but I have to reduce them, among other things, I fully understand that my way of Satriano network so it controproducente.Il time that was crystallized in the lines that I beat up dozens of blogs, there are also inside the defeats and errors of a man who has substantial limitations in respect of a certain type of communication. I would like to be different and feel better, I'll try on another space, another mind.

All that's left of me will rest more on approval, will HERE. I hope and live a dignified end and less confrontational. I have nothing else to say, I think I said too much in recent years and now are gradually closing the space: it seems to me something physiological.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Citalopram More Drug_warnings_recalls

florins, fiorello .... well here!

scusate la poca fantasia ma data l'ora la mia materia grigia funziona a rilento.

Il tutorial di oggi è davvero facilissimo, non ha bisogno di macchine per cucire,
quindi adatto a tutte.
Queste peonie sono bellissime dal vivo e si prestano a mille soluzioni
basta usare la fantasia....
possono decorate the table for next Easter ....

can be used as a jewel ....

you can decorate a hat, a coat ....

and so on and so forth .... I know we can not tell you all right?
we go to the tutorial .... very easy and fast.
I want to clarify that I chose the color to white,
but these are beautiful flowers in other colors ....

scraps of cloth of satin, satin, silk, chiffon, taffeta or organza (instead you can use the organza veil for wedding favors, valid surrogate)
I recommend not using other materials, only those listed sono quelle adatte, 
una candela accesa, (che non serve a creare  atmosfera!) ^____^
filo, qualche perlina

dal cartamodello, tagliare più volte i vari pezzi
a seconda di quanti petali e quanto "pieno si voglia fare il fiore.
io ho tagliato 2 pezzi per forma in raso
e 2 pezzi per forma in organza 
non siate troppo accorte nel tagliare....petali irregolari
daranno fiori più originali

close enough but not too petals to the warmth of flame,
you will see that will melt the edges and may curl, taking various forms
and never equal to each other
(attention, depending on the fabric used varies the distance
organza is one that needs to be more distant)
do some testing with the fabrics before you start the real petal
getting too close to the flame to the fabric edges will blacken
and run the risk of burn everything!

after spending all parties in the heat of the flame
begin to assemble,

alternate layers until all
(not ours, but the petals eheheheh)

start with the larger shape and end up with the smaller
forming a tower

when we finished stacking all the pieces,
We must stop them by sewing some beads at the center

and voila ... .. finished already!

are not beautiful?

Have fun to those who decide to try ....

the pattern is very easy and I repeat, less is more regular work is good,
could do well by themselves, but if you're a little lazy with paper and pencil ....
also picked mine!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Labeling Parts Of A Ship

simply disrespectful to distance accomplices Counters

Thought of the morning-
Back where they came from. Leave without regret becoming a silly self-congratulation, but to leave.
Basically I would not be neither the first nor the last to be defeated by what they do not understand and I can not handle, it takes very little hand. Just a couple of clicks. Thought-
following Given the current context I prefer to stay, Antonella.
The alternatives are there, not deny it: we call strategic retreat o sdegnoso sorvolo dei campi minati. Come dovrei chiamare altrimenti la “moderazione dei commenti” ? Essa nasce dall’implicita ammissione della propria discutibile, aggressività intellettuale e dell’altrui presumibile sciocca volgarità. Moderazione dei commenti come sinonimo di steccato o muraglia; qui dentro omologazione solo il bianco, fuori il nero esclusivamente.
Il confronto diventa una parola vuota, uno scheletro lasciato al sole ad essiccare: guardate cosa è diventata la Blogosfera oggi, quanto somigli sempre più alla società corrosa in cui viviamo.
Perché io leggo cose che altri non vedono nemmeno? Quante note sono ammesse nello spartito?
smile when I think of my younger years all aimed at destroying a measure, an education that today I appear distant and almost dreamy. Even naming it seems a silly typo in mind.
When my cousin convinced me to start a blog I thought it was fascinating and enjoyable adventure, I thought it was a more social freedom of my previous years "normal" I thought, I admit, they have something to give .

Now here I am mumbling sorrows and thoughts, reviews trickle in, to swallow criticism for fear of arousing virtual endless feuds. I loved, I loved very much, and did not understand? I loved beyond measure and tried to make sense, even to spend my time, tell it was my culture, was also a bit 'of my life. I blame heavy
: privileged relationship with the female and this penalizes me, there was no need for confirmation of the Web, are not malleable, I think it's best not necessary, then shock and hurt.
What's new about this? There that my limit has run substantial formal discovered limited and inadequate to the dynamics of blogs whose degree of hypocrisy and violence, stupidity passes for culture, I turned out to be unsustainable. From this it follows naturally to another concept: that of an intellectual arrogance and "social" is not manageable without a wall to defend from the hordes of barbarians roaming the moors. The approval is required, all right, it is essential! Any course, my circles as appropriate for your associates.
For some time I decided to post only music I had the conviction that the soundtrack of my blog and tell me more than words: I am a fool, he understood that only a person like me, lives in a another world.
Eventually all know what is left? It remains that this individual and some bloggers have decreed:
my old age to be completed in solitude because everything flows, everything is useful, niente è indispensabile.
Ho letto e non mi sono riconosciuto, Antonella, io non sono quell’individuo lercio e sbiadito: Enzo Rasi è un’altra persona, peggiore di quella perché non sa ridere o perdonare la fatua esteriorità presa a modello di vita.
Ci penserò a lungo come un incidente che guarda se stesso e non si capacita di essersi rotto.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Scoter Metalcore Wheels


Poichè non sopporto le feste come quella delle donne, di S. Valentino, del Papà  e della Mamma, di s. Ermete patrono della rete, siccome sono un insopportabile snob, il post sull'8 marzo lo scrivo oggi e lo dedico a Desa perchè this is right for me.
I'm about to write the post more difficult of my career because I have to speak in flattering terms of a person and a thorny issue and I have to simultaneously separate my size and my idea that those Carmela Carmen Consoli Carla S. Giuvanni 'to tip the province of Catania, born in 1974, professional cantantessa.
The idea of \u200b\u200bCarmen is the same for all media that are not clearly linked in one way or another to Berlusconi and that is that he represents the highest point of a culture that not many years is suffocating and Italy its social policy and human. The axiom is the following: If someone steps out of bed as a woman does not have spaces, but if the "from" will open doors otherwise unimaginable.

It 's true? Almost always, it is just a part of speech, the easiest, media and successful does not provide discounts, adjustments, or different perspectives. E 'ROCK perfect idea that only a great artist like you could bring in music.
Certainly if I were to refer to my own experience I should say that they fimminazzi of them we have always put a great deal; the way, when Carmela makes buttanazza or femme fatal is very good. Carmela do not know if I ever read these lines, but to make my sicunnu strafallaria as you make it a bit 'will be taken. (And please take it easy, really).
So the man and the woman took advantage of me: beyond a certain limit, on whose borders could argue until the end of time, everything becomes scientifically organized and create the current situation but also existed at the time of Prodi and before. I mean it's an attitude problem transverse Carmelina must say otherwise I can not hug you. The shortcut
feminine has always existed and under any regime, I do not say no pì favurie , but if even Concita Gregory used it in the first issue of Unity to "raise" sales. Let's do this, we say that is an old habit of human beings do ut des.
"Yes, but Berlusconi has made a system of political representation indecent!"

Let me respond to your place and drop the head , when is yours is yours.
Besides, I've sometimes be put aside because they do not provide adequate take-off and well-turned leg: then I consider myself as masculu discriminated against and damaged axiom of chick (by the way remember that Benigni was trying to touch the potato Carrà touched the top of Auditel, how come no one is offended and accused him? I'm sure the reasons are there and someone will find it in spades making me do the figure of the fool)
But Carmela is a woman of absolute thickness ever I saw it to leverage its indisputable physical qualities: Carmelina yes u suli bbedda Community but never a skirt, a boob out in Sanremo ... two years ago you made a speech of great class. I want to say a Sicilian (or rather from Catania) six spacchiosa, you have art, genius, talent and determination to sell, when you sing with that voice that always leaves a moment of dismay and temporary apnea make me die, Narcissus with his words of butter every two days I listen to it with the excuse to test the stereo but really to let the thoughts run ...
And they walk, up and down Etnea, go to the cinema in front of the Po, or they stop by Savia Spinella and then continue by Umberto.
Carmela, I do not know what is available not to look at the jug Fimmina, but look at them and imagine them in the manner of flock scorrect politically? Shit, let's hope not. If I hear and read interviews I fear that you have released so perhaps it can not be done unless the situation is serious and the bitch increase visibly the same
you say "Wanted handsome well-stocked enterprising young lady. A gifted young man, but more than anything else sweet and consent. Searching apprentice virtuous maidens honest businessman guaranteed offers unprecedented rise in career opportunity ... "
I would not want the provocation (which would otherwise rocker) stopped there, that the impact would stop to asphyxiated and one political, the other words that you have decided on the deep sense of cultural enjoyment in Italia e sulla bellezza insostituibile di un rapporto non viziato dal bisogno fra uomo e donna passasse in secondo piano. Non vorei che ci si fermasse solo a Berlusconi e che la canzone diventasse (tu consapevole e concorde) un nuovo manifesto per un paese triste e furente senza alcuna sensualità se non quella che può superare l'esame di tollerabilità a sinistra.
Carmela, così non funziona! Carmela nella terra dove sei nata accussì un quatra! Carmela per favore non rovinare tutto, non farti gestire dal circo della rete, della cultura progressiva a senso unico. Insomma fai la siciliana pì favuri , fuori dallo scontato e dagli applause of the young age of 18 you do realize that they are very mature, as you have loved and respected your father meets the woman in you teaching us the extent that women have always had real and serious.
And tell me where the hell I find the original video WANTED that those I have ver seen on the tube are quite worthwhile. Salute. IN ANY EVENT PHOTOS

Friday, March 4, 2011

South Park Online Streams

The loneliness of the following numbers

do not know how we're succeeding but the time, shattered into a thousand pieces, is add up here.
This house on the water picks up many of my season and the past is part of this horse's future to be hiding with malice in the folds of a provisional metaphysics.

I freed yesterday
scandal to exist.
I will not even today
prefer the lightness of
to the days when I weighed
and face had freckles
poppies in summer as a
What I was transfigured
every day, what
does not even have
to deceive.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Solian More Drug_side_effects

sometimes anger takes over

's comment to Pierpaolo STURA brought me back to summer last year: the trauma is obviously deeper than I could imagine and I feel no discomfort underwear was sedated.
I also realize to be alone in this predicament.
The chant that I feel more or less sing at the end of each speech is always the same: YOUR FACTS, ABOUT 'CAUSE ITS BAD ...
The young fellow I can not know many things, probably not even many of you know them: so much of the things I say are a chronic complain almost pathological. Not so, things are not so and here is someone playing dirty with my intelligence and with your, I do not invent anything is all written with nick, sites and dates. I wrote a post to advise this blogger securities Sicilian writers emerging. Then una'altra blogger had the courage to plead guilty for having made me the "joke" with my nick to comment on the blogs of my contacts. was August 2010

And sometimes anger takes over.
Explanations? What information, pure and simple reality.
The blog world is a fucking shit in most cases. It 'a shame SCIMMIOTTATURA COMMUNICATION OF CIVILIZATION' And other people's opinions. OFTEN 'also a fraud.
Who says he does not know and often do not want to know, commentators are guilty of that post as the author!
The publisher is dumb inventing what is not is authentic
indifference or blindness or the superficiality of those who read
Give me an award that the fans! Writing well aware that great ideas and shared! The

Wolf wrote a treatise on the preservation of the sheep, the whore converted another on the need of asceticism at all costs. Berlusconi a long article on the economic minimalism. Almadinejad a book on compliance and culture of Judaism in the world. Santoro a treatise on the plurality of information in a TV broadcast. Di Pietro a conference on European culture and etiquette of the century.
you write, you read every day: many of you think they communicate, we all do the same mistake, the same way forever, convinced by the blind to see us very well. THE TRUTH 'AND' OTHER AND 'WRITING.
This blogger continues to fool and has many fans: his system, my clever This kind of web, can destroy you at any time. But you are able to break the bales just an old man like me, you killed me and continue to maintain good relationship with her, and I promise to discuss the police investigation, Postal slipping on politics and society, literature and life and you should Shame on them all. Sometimes RAGE takes over

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Brand New Metal Core Scooter Wheels

De Profundis, or the law says that the relentless Enzo ....

.... are a loner and has no more importance now understand why: it's spent plenty of time to exhaust the reasons for a life well spent. I'm not alone. In
company, good or bad, lost in the swarm of thoughts or the empty silence of a winter's day I'm alone. There are dense around the totem of everything that I loved: the faces, the eyes, the sound of words spoken or whispered ... not change much. I'm just with everything that I love.
be alone can kill, it can leave you empty as a skin that supports the case for as long as a strong gust of wind it down and shows all the inherent weakness. Do not console myself, I do not want, in fact I do not want, not those commonly referred to as such. I have dreams, beautiful dreams and vast as the sea, so let the perfect be dismayed. In vivo bottom of surprises: being on the web is one of them. recognize the limits another, realizing that la volgarità è da ogni parte intorno a noi, e che ogni giorno, inevitabilmente, soffochiamo nell'imbecillità diventa infine l'inevitabile conclusione.
Io faccio parte di questa comune sconfitta, che la dichiari in buon italiano e serenamente non ne cambia i connotati, mi rende solo più ridicolo . Capisco ora veramente i termini di un "certo" problema, adesso gli insulti e le critiche mi suonano comprensibili; raccontano il disagio di chi non vuole arrendersi all'esercizio di una superficialità di comodo e pretende una comprensione che si rifiuta di concedere agli altri. Scriverò ancora, continuerò a farlo così come un vizio antico da cui non so liberarmi. Lascerò passare alcuni other comments ... I will not even have time to read them. And sometimes I will not answer because I do not know what to say, because sometimes I answer a perpetual ritual that makes it laughable even intuition correct: human is born, to persevere is diabolical. It seems that I have become.
also occasionally turning back on. There is space? There is room maybe if you go away. Elsewhere, different perspectives and new will.
Finremo to follow ancient paths, obsolete, out of this in another virtual reality that cares artificiality of our silly. Silly, silly, silly.


Uroxatral More Drug_warnings_recalls

winter is not over yet, but I have a good point ....

...ovvero questo blog è composto da un'unico ipertrofico testo spalmato su molti post e altrettanti commenti, forse.

Il nome di questo blog dovrebbe far comprendere il perché di certe cose: questo spazio non può vivere con “moderazione” o con censure, l’omologazione appunto non è richiesta.
Sembra strano, in fondo il padrone di casa è un signore d’una certa età, educato ai ritmi di un  mondo e di una società scomparsa da molto tempo. Cosa c’entra con contesti virtuali come quelli in cui si trova immerso da tempo?
Apparentemente nulla, concretamente moltissimo.

I am with what I write and show me how to get things moving, in public and in private, screaming passion for life and for the eros that the soul, and all this can eventually lead to crystals broken and painful asymmetries. I landed in the sense of friendship with a capital after crossing the wide expanses of sex and passion, and I have no intention to hide or, worse, mystified. Here and in other blogs I live "sexually" my life and my writing are attracted by the woman recognized as the only alter ego: why should I pretend that I am not an aseptic own? I do not care fake fake love or want and can say that, from time to time on these pages are worn scenes of real jealousy. Point.
I can not expect the measure or disharmony out of me perfectly coincide with the fracture that I carry inside . She is alive even now as I write these lines, and I think you feel it clearly. From time immemorial come here and comment especially women I see him as a fortune and I know that some fights, well understood, they are necessary and due to an appendix, but will not for what they are unable to change but need to understand the Beyond the hardness or tenderness, immersed in the seductive sense of touch even minutes.

I tried to be different but I would not: write almost without even moving away to what you did not even know, even becoming an echo faded, an approval would not be fully consummated sexual intercourse and then tried, and would still on behind the desires, anxieties, lightning, storms and secret gardens only living space of a morning. I feel not enough, how many times I said, I understand that I write only a fraction of what goes through my head, I entrust to the intuition of staff who reads me the rest.
live the most difficult moment of my life that is not only the relationship with me same as male but the comparison of myself with this company was devastated, silly and "terminal" and I do not know and others do not understand how to dive in and enjoy physical, purely and simply, I never failed and the metaphysics that is devouring me today.
We read with melancholy attention. pass before my eyes, like the scent of a movie theater full of humor and desire to hope again, the eyes of a child and inconvenience of a few "accidents" of course, the colors and photographs of a friend of 'other island, the last moments before the ship sails to a distant horizon and intriguing to the best command of Captain I know, the "huge prayer of a woman that fills my day with silence swollen with arrangements. See
have to do, to read, to argue: there is especially in love without false modesty. Hold together the parts of me is a tall order ... and perhaps useless to ask you to restrain your impulses certainly silly.
Sometimes some of you do not realize how much loneliness there is in an angry man, and how much culture there is no need to refill it, how what I was born alive in his agony in writing, and his famous death in the comments.
I can not do more than that, my demon dance again.
You give it life. If you understand the love Give her and put the salt and the sun ... the sex will come back with the interests of a smile. Do not waste it and discuss how and when all you want without reservation: please do not intristitemi with silly and false disquisitions of the ancient customs and popular, call things by their name and free your intelligence. So much more than I imagined and much less than they dream of having.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Lactulose More Drug_side_effects

Pirruccio student-Acreide Palazzolo Palazzolo But you know it and its baroque?

last post in a comment Pierpaolo Pirruccio told me "You run the risk of having to leave their signature in a while."
So he returned to light a fact, or a costume, che a mio parere sta alla base del nostro scrivere in rete.
Io sono stato certamente un grande peccatore , non voglio e non posso negarlo: i motivi che fino a qualche settimana fa mi hanno spinto a scrivere per lungo tempo con uno pseudonimo li ho ampiamente discussi in un post precedente. Sono i "miei" motivi e non è detto che siano i vostri ma il problema non è quello, non è lì il cuore della presenza in rete.
Il signore che vedete in foto qua accanto sono io : che ve ne pare? Abbastanza vecchio? Decrepito? Dimostro appieno i miei 58 anni mi pare. Mi chiamo Enzo Riccobono e vivo in Sicilia. Volete sapere dove? Città, quartiere strada e numero civico? Saperlo cosa cambia nella lettura di un blog?
E poi chi può rendervi certi che io sia veramente io? Se avessi messo una mia foto di ventanni fa, quando avevo i capelli tutti scuri e la barba rossa e vi avessi raccontato che ero così ora?
Possiamo sceglier avatar molteplici, tutti validi e significativi e allo stesso tempo tutti falsi e menzogneri: un viso, un mezzo sorriso....potrei mettere sul blog foto di qualsiasi tipo, potrei dire che mi chiamo Luca, Filippo, Giovanni...Enrico. Oppure dichiararmi femmina e ridere in segreto delle idiozie che probabilmente sarei costretto a scrivere spacciandomi per una donna. Ma invece sono Enzo e sono siciliano e vivo a Catania da palermitano away for ever. Palazzolo Acreide My friend probably thinks so I put my signature and I took my chances: I do not feel I have said to my name. I know the real names of many of my contacts of these four years on the net, but what we really know about them are the things they write. In this environment, the blog that defines us is: are its colors, its graphics and music that we outline, is what we write and send you to tell us. If I knew the real name of Tereza but did not read his writings, if you knew its true face and not part of his soul would be richer?
even those who can write perfectly centered who we are, but if it is written well, if there is enough bare sufficiently reflect . There is no true identity on the net but it is a proper show and our blog is the business card: comment by anonymous does this mean for me, come and talk and do not give a chance to respond because you are not the same plane. I do not care to know your features, despite the strong attraction that the feminine has on me I prefer to imagine the bloggers who maintain contacts with me, I got more from the story of their hearts that their detailed anatomy.
not want to look into the eyes of George or organic Candlewick, but if I write I have to be able to know their production. One comment that comes from a blog specific reference is the only assumption of responsibility that falls to us, the only demonstration of personal dignity that we give to others. And in fact in all these long years, the large number of assholes who I have soiled the pages are all anonymous, criticisms and arthritis are the most painful of bloggers who got to horseback taking the piss me and my writing and my arguments have been very careful not to show theirs. What do you know that I care just as your name and where you live? But if you talk about poetry or literature or civilization and analysis or measure of wit and good .... show me yours. This blogosphere filled with money from two Nobel Prizes in literature, politics and economy, this environment is rich in personality thick that they drop down their denial and their critics are often unable to show themselves and to confront a simple reason. Are non-existent and empty shells of slogans and ideologies learned by heart, anything else. I learned their system for a long time I used them as the better of them, if you do not know you can tell me. Is discussed only between similar ideology and morals: the alternative left with the alternative, the transgressive and the whores with their associates, the Northern League with all home market and their clones are all the same ... all perfect until proven otherwise, a tremendous boredom. Among them will show their clothes linguistic and tumbler, when they come out from there they planted them, ANONYMOUS! cross and incurable virus that undermines the sole purpose of those who Blog: really communicate. I want to talk to people, their activity is always after, their party card could also burn it.
Pierpaolo are Enzo, I'm a doctor, I write and I live on the slopes of the highest volcano in Europe and in the cities of Sicily mess. If I decided to leave this signature is because it is trivial: the real one are the things I write. My signature is the air passing by my blog, attempts to involve you in my life because it's the only thing that makes sense, my signature is in the post and the blogroll on the right side, is in comments and responses, that this is the 'last attempt of an old bourgeois South back to being an Italian boy. bbeddu Hello.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Building Wooden Swing

19 and tonight

I turned on by mistake, I looked with malice. I can not make it in writing after a "total", I can not abolish it and not even close.
And if you do not want or I could not respond to your comments? If one considers incommentabile my post and I were thrown off before the evidence to the contrary? If I had written for clarity and found, later, just confusion? If I were so far from not being able to reach you my voice. And if that was not quite significant?
I want to be anonymous, nothing fits me more. A particle in the universe, a breath. The sophistry and categories far behind. you need is very little but we all run away from the essential.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Risperidone More Drug_uses

Abstinence and reality

Needless to hide the discomfort of the last days is a close relative of a certain nausea that attacks me from time to time on the web. We should reflect on why and to come, perhaps we should have a pity than our limitations and our enthusiasm. I do not know what goes on behind the scenes your blog, how many and which operated as part of your comments in moderation if you have it, or your private correspondence, I want to tell you about what happens to my house, will also be an opportunity to "reveal" some things that the most care of you might have guessed, but do not give for sure.

I have not canceled entirely my blog, I'm not been able, with brazen immodesty many of the post I wrote then still considered valid tout court, and then I'm reproducing them here. In some cases I have but lightly touched on very minor issues, they are my creatures, they claim the fatherhood and love them very much. I hope that this statement is viewed in a clean way, without the utter arrogance nor provocation. The fact that the writer often speaks Tomasi di Lampedusa and that, according to some, I will recall the ways and the world is a curious coincidence: only a sick mind of leadership and very little could think of nothing else. That name recalls the Western lands of the island and my piles of white salt that stand guard along the coast from Marsala to Trapani is nearing its peak. Salina is my total love for old and that wind, that sea and the light that cuts the profile of the windmills in the background of Egadi. As is normal I connected some new relationship and everything went smoothly for a while 'time ... just a little' time.
last period, I traveled around the web with the secret desire to understand and learn also from the positions that I have frankly apart. There is one thing that just can not stand. rooted ideology, that is the foundation of the majority of blogs. On some blogs, I have proposed a tough opposition, civil, and no discounts. Actually I wanted to prove to myself that I already knew one thing: there is no slavery bigger than an idea that does not compare and can not be explained.! you think this is a challenge ... but it is certainly a response to a much more serious and insidious violence, also exists a variant to use moderation in a "Bulgarian", that publish only their representations insults and not to publish those which had generated the conflict. AND DO NOT BELIEVE THAT SOME PEOPLE "FAMOUS" IN NETWORK OR Undreamt they are not free.
on this blog and its clones, the situation is not much different from before: the problem is the comparison and criticism that is clearly unsustainable for most. Are they for me? I scream but no sbaglio.Sbagliamo maybe if we take this lightly because many of the biggest crap started quietly: Comment moderation is becoming essential for those who have something to say off the teeth? We are careful could become indispensable silent at all! Sensuality or a compliment, rather than a choice of un'altra, un'opinione differente non solo in senso politico ma anche letterario può dare la stura a campagne diffamatorie, a stelle di David marchiate a fuoco sulla pelle dei non perfetti.
Sbagliamo se ci lasciamo convincere dagli esercizi di sterile accademia linguistica, dalla moda dell'originalità a tutti i costi: sono assolutamente certo che sbagliamo. La blogosfera potrebbe diventare un territorio vasto e pericoloso costellato da manieri arcigni e inespugnabili (forse), i castelli delle nostre coscienze assediate. Omologazione non richiesta è un vecchio diario che raccoglie un'esperienza complessa: la mia. Mi piace così, forse scioccamente penso di poter vivere più a lungo ricordandomi di me stesso, levigando le cose scritte in molti anni e in tempi diversi. Non so fare diversamente, non so scrivere con animo diverso, voglio che il mio stare in rete abbia questo marchio. E lo avrà.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

L'auberge Espagnole Bande Originale Rar

False prophets and teachers retired

Mi sono permesso di dissentire e una elegante cafona del nord mi ha facilmente liquidato: ha usato l'identico sistema che usano spesso molti blogger progressisti alternativi della sinistra spicciola che giganteggia sui blog. Prego leggere sotto:

Enzo, o Press o Luca o come altro ti chiami, io non ho intenzione di fare dei favori a nessuno: esprimo opinioni e come tali opinabili. E allora? Ho ospitato i tuoi lenzuoloni two otherwise similar in content to an earlier written in italics where you had already given the substance of Benigni. I did not like, as I did not like your other writings on the "Kingdom of the Two Sicilies." So what? Why should I comment from you, if you do not agree with a line? Are required to express opinions even unwillingly? It is not the first time you make of these strange numbers on the "haughtiness Po ', the' elitarimo" & bullshit like that. Fine, if North and South do not understand, you might as well divide. We see that we are talking about two different linguistic codes. I do not do a drama, you apparently do. And I tell you the truth that all this frankly bored me. Goodbye and good luck.

no one likes being criticized, reprimanded almost always leave a mark even if few of us are willing to admit it. Critics, however, its significance and a particular color: can hurt, but calls for dialogue and reflection. The insults and massacres media NO.
I have to explain this or I can hope for a quick and easy to understand?
When someone tells me you're too snobby, you're basically nasty etc etc ... I know very well that he has a great deal of reason and try to soften it all makes no sense. Not for me.
But if it says "You said bullshit, I hosted the comment sheets, is not the first time ... etc etc " ed io so che NON E' VERO perchè dovrei ingoiare questo parere? Chi devo far contento? La rete è piena di incomprensioni, equivoci e incomunicabilità vera, confessare anche colpe non proprie non giova a nessuno.
Io non voglio tediare nessuno, semplicemente ho una forte autocoscienza di me stesso.
Io non piagnucolo ma mi incazzo. Sono patetico? Spiegare prego, altrimenti la pateticità può rivolgersi contro chi mi accusa.
Vorrei essere giudicato per ciò che scrivo nel contesto in cui lo scrivo! E' così difficile? Non mi risulta che io abbia mai fatto diversamente.
Poi lo dico e lo ripeterò fino alla nausea:
E "infamy" is completed with no censorship or upstream of your replies, with the arrogance typical of someone who loves to be surrounded only by consent. One island in a world where words and feelings lose their original meaning, there is no love, ideals ... emotions. There is only a linguistic code different and good fortune is very much like a fuck. BUT WE MUST BE CONSIDERED AS A BLOGGER? I can not reply to Nessie, I have no accesss to his space: I said I disagreed, that the Sicilian and that the ideal unit proposed by Benigni I liked it and moved me. Struck!
Well I do not care more, I do not buy anything even the positive, those who abide by the law if you do not understand or misunderstands I do not know what to do.
But it is really sad to find everywhere the same attitude, the same haughty arrogance. Nessie, you must not do anything you are at home and do what you want: you can be opinionated, educated and not very acidic. Padronissima. You can host lenzuoloni much longer, but some of my most appreciated. You can also get nerves to review foreign to your (or should I say for you?). Not to mention different codes have different cultural backgrounds but your tall tales are much more evident and the indigestible me it was very frankly told me that the best thing that you really want is a state in the north with a lot of customs etc etc. instead subtly insult me \u200b\u200bto get one of my disappearance from your blog that you've still got it anyway. Do you feel more satisfied now? Good luck to you too.