Wednesday, February 23, 2011

L'auberge Espagnole Bande Originale Rar

False prophets and teachers retired

Mi sono permesso di dissentire e una elegante cafona del nord mi ha facilmente liquidato: ha usato l'identico sistema che usano spesso molti blogger progressisti alternativi della sinistra spicciola che giganteggia sui blog. Prego leggere sotto:

Enzo, o Press o Luca o come altro ti chiami, io non ho intenzione di fare dei favori a nessuno: esprimo opinioni e come tali opinabili. E allora? Ho ospitato i tuoi lenzuoloni two otherwise similar in content to an earlier written in italics where you had already given the substance of Benigni. I did not like, as I did not like your other writings on the "Kingdom of the Two Sicilies." So what? Why should I comment from you, if you do not agree with a line? Are required to express opinions even unwillingly? It is not the first time you make of these strange numbers on the "haughtiness Po ', the' elitarimo" & bullshit like that. Fine, if North and South do not understand, you might as well divide. We see that we are talking about two different linguistic codes. I do not do a drama, you apparently do. And I tell you the truth that all this frankly bored me. Goodbye and good luck.

no one likes being criticized, reprimanded almost always leave a mark even if few of us are willing to admit it. Critics, however, its significance and a particular color: can hurt, but calls for dialogue and reflection. The insults and massacres media NO.
I have to explain this or I can hope for a quick and easy to understand?
When someone tells me you're too snobby, you're basically nasty etc etc ... I know very well that he has a great deal of reason and try to soften it all makes no sense. Not for me.
But if it says "You said bullshit, I hosted the comment sheets, is not the first time ... etc etc " ed io so che NON E' VERO perchè dovrei ingoiare questo parere? Chi devo far contento? La rete è piena di incomprensioni, equivoci e incomunicabilità vera, confessare anche colpe non proprie non giova a nessuno.
Io non voglio tediare nessuno, semplicemente ho una forte autocoscienza di me stesso.
Io non piagnucolo ma mi incazzo. Sono patetico? Spiegare prego, altrimenti la pateticità può rivolgersi contro chi mi accusa.
Vorrei essere giudicato per ciò che scrivo nel contesto in cui lo scrivo! E' così difficile? Non mi risulta che io abbia mai fatto diversamente.
Poi lo dico e lo ripeterò fino alla nausea:
E "infamy" is completed with no censorship or upstream of your replies, with the arrogance typical of someone who loves to be surrounded only by consent. One island in a world where words and feelings lose their original meaning, there is no love, ideals ... emotions. There is only a linguistic code different and good fortune is very much like a fuck. BUT WE MUST BE CONSIDERED AS A BLOGGER? I can not reply to Nessie, I have no accesss to his space: I said I disagreed, that the Sicilian and that the ideal unit proposed by Benigni I liked it and moved me. Struck!
Well I do not care more, I do not buy anything even the positive, those who abide by the law if you do not understand or misunderstands I do not know what to do.
But it is really sad to find everywhere the same attitude, the same haughty arrogance. Nessie, you must not do anything you are at home and do what you want: you can be opinionated, educated and not very acidic. Padronissima. You can host lenzuoloni much longer, but some of my most appreciated. You can also get nerves to review foreign to your (or should I say for you?). Not to mention different codes have different cultural backgrounds but your tall tales are much more evident and the indigestible me it was very frankly told me that the best thing that you really want is a state in the north with a lot of customs etc etc. instead subtly insult me \u200b\u200bto get one of my disappearance from your blog that you've still got it anyway. Do you feel more satisfied now? Good luck to you too.


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