I confess to having tried several times in recent months without being able ever: it may seem inexplicable to a man like me: I was born with in an environment that, for different paths, I have always been conducted on the route of 'ideal unit that comes from a strong faith in the years and that the story called Risorgimento. I think it happened just over a decade ago: like an old love that time fades until it is alien to your everyday life.
ideas first strong and furious have adapted to a thousand obstacles to tens of thousand compromises and disappointments. I have never managed to get beyond the fifth or sixth paragraph, undermined by a feeling of uselessness profound looking around what I saw instead of helping me gave me the confirmation that my past was just an Italian Past, a time of no return. Culture, knowledge of the dynamics Risorgimento read also in the light of a history less compliant and saccharine was the latest blow to my faith and hope to be able to consider "naturally" Italian. It 's very difficult to continue to see a country that is not there, maybe there never was and now, finally, seems to break up the socially, politically, constitutionally, in dozens of fragments closed to any longing for unity: the most I have heard described in the last 5 or 6 years was "Unity, yes ... but." The "But" has taken on several faces from time to time, I'm not convinced I can not believe no, I only know that an air of my house, my backyard, the economy from here to there, me and those who speak my dialect only ...

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