Friday, February 25, 2011

Risperidone More Drug_uses

Abstinence and reality

Needless to hide the discomfort of the last days is a close relative of a certain nausea that attacks me from time to time on the web. We should reflect on why and to come, perhaps we should have a pity than our limitations and our enthusiasm. I do not know what goes on behind the scenes your blog, how many and which operated as part of your comments in moderation if you have it, or your private correspondence, I want to tell you about what happens to my house, will also be an opportunity to "reveal" some things that the most care of you might have guessed, but do not give for sure.

I have not canceled entirely my blog, I'm not been able, with brazen immodesty many of the post I wrote then still considered valid tout court, and then I'm reproducing them here. In some cases I have but lightly touched on very minor issues, they are my creatures, they claim the fatherhood and love them very much. I hope that this statement is viewed in a clean way, without the utter arrogance nor provocation. The fact that the writer often speaks Tomasi di Lampedusa and that, according to some, I will recall the ways and the world is a curious coincidence: only a sick mind of leadership and very little could think of nothing else. That name recalls the Western lands of the island and my piles of white salt that stand guard along the coast from Marsala to Trapani is nearing its peak. Salina is my total love for old and that wind, that sea and the light that cuts the profile of the windmills in the background of Egadi. As is normal I connected some new relationship and everything went smoothly for a while 'time ... just a little' time.
last period, I traveled around the web with the secret desire to understand and learn also from the positions that I have frankly apart. There is one thing that just can not stand. rooted ideology, that is the foundation of the majority of blogs. On some blogs, I have proposed a tough opposition, civil, and no discounts. Actually I wanted to prove to myself that I already knew one thing: there is no slavery bigger than an idea that does not compare and can not be explained.! you think this is a challenge ... but it is certainly a response to a much more serious and insidious violence, also exists a variant to use moderation in a "Bulgarian", that publish only their representations insults and not to publish those which had generated the conflict. AND DO NOT BELIEVE THAT SOME PEOPLE "FAMOUS" IN NETWORK OR Undreamt they are not free.
on this blog and its clones, the situation is not much different from before: the problem is the comparison and criticism that is clearly unsustainable for most. Are they for me? I scream but no sbaglio.Sbagliamo maybe if we take this lightly because many of the biggest crap started quietly: Comment moderation is becoming essential for those who have something to say off the teeth? We are careful could become indispensable silent at all! Sensuality or a compliment, rather than a choice of un'altra, un'opinione differente non solo in senso politico ma anche letterario può dare la stura a campagne diffamatorie, a stelle di David marchiate a fuoco sulla pelle dei non perfetti.
Sbagliamo se ci lasciamo convincere dagli esercizi di sterile accademia linguistica, dalla moda dell'originalità a tutti i costi: sono assolutamente certo che sbagliamo. La blogosfera potrebbe diventare un territorio vasto e pericoloso costellato da manieri arcigni e inespugnabili (forse), i castelli delle nostre coscienze assediate. Omologazione non richiesta è un vecchio diario che raccoglie un'esperienza complessa: la mia. Mi piace così, forse scioccamente penso di poter vivere più a lungo ricordandomi di me stesso, levigando le cose scritte in molti anni e in tempi diversi. Non so fare diversamente, non so scrivere con animo diverso, voglio che il mio stare in rete abbia questo marchio. E lo avrà.


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