than intervention Benigni in Sanremo there was an almost unanimous acclaim means I believe that art that comes with a capital where ideologies and also serious and scholarly analysis will never arrive. It has been said in various places and with different tones of speech errors in the Tuscan comedian, I think no one ignores the political matrix of Roberto and the history of Italian international left the last 100 years. I certainly know it and I would not evaluate it in a positive way. However
Benigni came into an empty space that is swallowing us all, that of the choices made 150 years ago and the consequences that derive from them: we are officially a united country, before then Republican-led monarchy. This is an indisputable fact in the sense that you play on offense and intellectually dishonest.
The keynote was perfect in my opinion for the way it hit the feeling of belonging to a larger size than the local, the natural measure that has kept among sullen nationalism and racism even more reprehensible: Benigni reminded us of a something which no longer the case now, we are a nation in which culture was established even before the nation and the culture of the real thing, over and does not hesitate, culture is a beacon in the night of ideologies partial an asset to be defend and to offer those who want to know. Nothing is further from the Italians of the nationalistic racism one way that has already shown what can be capable of. Benigni has said we must "sell" to the first bidder, instead reaffirmed the necessity of waking from a night of mediocrity passed off as universal axioms, the need to live your dreams into reality if it wants to participate. I wonder what can be said on the anniversary of the noblest of a hard drive as the Italian one.

But if you have no soul, if you can not see beyond their regional boundaries, if you always prefer to entrust their fate to intellectual ideologies that speak a dialect become a language that gives up, in this case Sanremo so benign or become sickly, but as we all pretend that it will become a deadly embrace, and leave us alone, one to side, who beyond a close. Out of this perspective is not sentimental in my view, federalism, of which many speak, and few people know the true identity 's secession, the return to the first figures.
In that context, I return to being a citizen of the United of the Two Sicilies, and most of the commentators of this post the new inhabitants of a whole new nation, Padania. 'd shout "Long live Italy" gentlemen. If not we say the Spielberg of Europe are ready to return to function.
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