last post in a comment Pierpaolo Pirruccio told me "You run the risk of having to leave their signature in a while."

Io sono stato certamente un grande peccatore , non voglio e non posso negarlo: i motivi che fino a qualche settimana fa mi hanno spinto a scrivere per lungo tempo con uno pseudonimo li ho ampiamente discussi in un post precedente. Sono i "miei" motivi e non è detto che siano i vostri ma il problema non è quello, non è lì il cuore della presenza in rete.
Il signore che vedete in foto qua accanto sono io : che ve ne pare? Abbastanza vecchio? Decrepito? Dimostro appieno i miei 58 anni mi pare. Mi chiamo Enzo Riccobono e vivo in Sicilia. Volete sapere dove? Città, quartiere strada e numero civico? Saperlo cosa cambia nella lettura di un blog?
not want to look into the eyes of George or organic Candlewick, but if I write I have to be able to know their production. One comment that comes from a blog specific reference is the only assumption of responsibility that falls to us, the only demonstration of personal dignity that we give to others. And in fact in all these long years, the large number of assholes who I have soiled the pages are all anonymous, criticisms and arthritis are the most painful of bloggers who got to horseback taking the piss me and my writing and my arguments have been very careful not to show theirs. What do you know that I care just as your name and where you live? But if you talk about poetry or literature or civilization and analysis or measure of wit and good .... show me yours. This blogosphere filled with money from two Nobel Prizes in literature, politics and economy, this environment is rich in personality thick that they drop down their denial and their critics are often unable to show themselves and to confront a simple reason. Are non-existent and empty shells of slogans and ideologies learned by heart, anything else. I learned their system for a long time I used them as the better of them, if you do not know you can tell me. Is discussed only between similar ideology and morals: the alternative left with the alternative, the transgressive and the whores with their associates, the Northern League with all home market and their clones are all the same ... all perfect until proven otherwise, a tremendous boredom. Among them will show their clothes linguistic and tumbler, when they come out from there they planted them, ANONYMOUS! cross and incurable virus that undermines the sole purpose of those who Blog: really communicate. I want to talk to people, their activity is always after, their party card could also burn it.
Pierpaolo are Enzo, I'm a doctor, I write and I live on the slopes of the highest volcano in Europe and in the cities of Sicily mess. If I decided to leave this signature is because it is trivial: the real one are the things I write. My signature is the air passing by my blog, attempts to involve you in my life because it's the only thing that makes sense, my signature is in the post and the blogroll on the right side, is in comments and responses, that this is the 'last attempt of an old bourgeois South back to being an Italian boy. bbeddu Hello.