Monday, February 28, 2011

Lactulose More Drug_side_effects

Pirruccio student-Acreide Palazzolo Palazzolo But you know it and its baroque?

last post in a comment Pierpaolo Pirruccio told me "You run the risk of having to leave their signature in a while."
So he returned to light a fact, or a costume, che a mio parere sta alla base del nostro scrivere in rete.
Io sono stato certamente un grande peccatore , non voglio e non posso negarlo: i motivi che fino a qualche settimana fa mi hanno spinto a scrivere per lungo tempo con uno pseudonimo li ho ampiamente discussi in un post precedente. Sono i "miei" motivi e non è detto che siano i vostri ma il problema non è quello, non è lì il cuore della presenza in rete.
Il signore che vedete in foto qua accanto sono io : che ve ne pare? Abbastanza vecchio? Decrepito? Dimostro appieno i miei 58 anni mi pare. Mi chiamo Enzo Riccobono e vivo in Sicilia. Volete sapere dove? Città, quartiere strada e numero civico? Saperlo cosa cambia nella lettura di un blog?
E poi chi può rendervi certi che io sia veramente io? Se avessi messo una mia foto di ventanni fa, quando avevo i capelli tutti scuri e la barba rossa e vi avessi raccontato che ero così ora?
Possiamo sceglier avatar molteplici, tutti validi e significativi e allo stesso tempo tutti falsi e menzogneri: un viso, un mezzo sorriso....potrei mettere sul blog foto di qualsiasi tipo, potrei dire che mi chiamo Luca, Filippo, Giovanni...Enrico. Oppure dichiararmi femmina e ridere in segreto delle idiozie che probabilmente sarei costretto a scrivere spacciandomi per una donna. Ma invece sono Enzo e sono siciliano e vivo a Catania da palermitano away for ever. Palazzolo Acreide My friend probably thinks so I put my signature and I took my chances: I do not feel I have said to my name. I know the real names of many of my contacts of these four years on the net, but what we really know about them are the things they write. In this environment, the blog that defines us is: are its colors, its graphics and music that we outline, is what we write and send you to tell us. If I knew the real name of Tereza but did not read his writings, if you knew its true face and not part of his soul would be richer?
even those who can write perfectly centered who we are, but if it is written well, if there is enough bare sufficiently reflect . There is no true identity on the net but it is a proper show and our blog is the business card: comment by anonymous does this mean for me, come and talk and do not give a chance to respond because you are not the same plane. I do not care to know your features, despite the strong attraction that the feminine has on me I prefer to imagine the bloggers who maintain contacts with me, I got more from the story of their hearts that their detailed anatomy.
not want to look into the eyes of George or organic Candlewick, but if I write I have to be able to know their production. One comment that comes from a blog specific reference is the only assumption of responsibility that falls to us, the only demonstration of personal dignity that we give to others. And in fact in all these long years, the large number of assholes who I have soiled the pages are all anonymous, criticisms and arthritis are the most painful of bloggers who got to horseback taking the piss me and my writing and my arguments have been very careful not to show theirs. What do you know that I care just as your name and where you live? But if you talk about poetry or literature or civilization and analysis or measure of wit and good .... show me yours. This blogosphere filled with money from two Nobel Prizes in literature, politics and economy, this environment is rich in personality thick that they drop down their denial and their critics are often unable to show themselves and to confront a simple reason. Are non-existent and empty shells of slogans and ideologies learned by heart, anything else. I learned their system for a long time I used them as the better of them, if you do not know you can tell me. Is discussed only between similar ideology and morals: the alternative left with the alternative, the transgressive and the whores with their associates, the Northern League with all home market and their clones are all the same ... all perfect until proven otherwise, a tremendous boredom. Among them will show their clothes linguistic and tumbler, when they come out from there they planted them, ANONYMOUS! cross and incurable virus that undermines the sole purpose of those who Blog: really communicate. I want to talk to people, their activity is always after, their party card could also burn it.
Pierpaolo are Enzo, I'm a doctor, I write and I live on the slopes of the highest volcano in Europe and in the cities of Sicily mess. If I decided to leave this signature is because it is trivial: the real one are the things I write. My signature is the air passing by my blog, attempts to involve you in my life because it's the only thing that makes sense, my signature is in the post and the blogroll on the right side, is in comments and responses, that this is the 'last attempt of an old bourgeois South back to being an Italian boy. bbeddu Hello.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Building Wooden Swing

19 and tonight

I turned on by mistake, I looked with malice. I can not make it in writing after a "total", I can not abolish it and not even close.
And if you do not want or I could not respond to your comments? If one considers incommentabile my post and I were thrown off before the evidence to the contrary? If I had written for clarity and found, later, just confusion? If I were so far from not being able to reach you my voice. And if that was not quite significant?
I want to be anonymous, nothing fits me more. A particle in the universe, a breath. The sophistry and categories far behind. you need is very little but we all run away from the essential.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Risperidone More Drug_uses

Abstinence and reality

Needless to hide the discomfort of the last days is a close relative of a certain nausea that attacks me from time to time on the web. We should reflect on why and to come, perhaps we should have a pity than our limitations and our enthusiasm. I do not know what goes on behind the scenes your blog, how many and which operated as part of your comments in moderation if you have it, or your private correspondence, I want to tell you about what happens to my house, will also be an opportunity to "reveal" some things that the most care of you might have guessed, but do not give for sure.

I have not canceled entirely my blog, I'm not been able, with brazen immodesty many of the post I wrote then still considered valid tout court, and then I'm reproducing them here. In some cases I have but lightly touched on very minor issues, they are my creatures, they claim the fatherhood and love them very much. I hope that this statement is viewed in a clean way, without the utter arrogance nor provocation. The fact that the writer often speaks Tomasi di Lampedusa and that, according to some, I will recall the ways and the world is a curious coincidence: only a sick mind of leadership and very little could think of nothing else. That name recalls the Western lands of the island and my piles of white salt that stand guard along the coast from Marsala to Trapani is nearing its peak. Salina is my total love for old and that wind, that sea and the light that cuts the profile of the windmills in the background of Egadi. As is normal I connected some new relationship and everything went smoothly for a while 'time ... just a little' time.
last period, I traveled around the web with the secret desire to understand and learn also from the positions that I have frankly apart. There is one thing that just can not stand. rooted ideology, that is the foundation of the majority of blogs. On some blogs, I have proposed a tough opposition, civil, and no discounts. Actually I wanted to prove to myself that I already knew one thing: there is no slavery bigger than an idea that does not compare and can not be explained.! you think this is a challenge ... but it is certainly a response to a much more serious and insidious violence, also exists a variant to use moderation in a "Bulgarian", that publish only their representations insults and not to publish those which had generated the conflict. AND DO NOT BELIEVE THAT SOME PEOPLE "FAMOUS" IN NETWORK OR Undreamt they are not free.
on this blog and its clones, the situation is not much different from before: the problem is the comparison and criticism that is clearly unsustainable for most. Are they for me? I scream but no sbaglio.Sbagliamo maybe if we take this lightly because many of the biggest crap started quietly: Comment moderation is becoming essential for those who have something to say off the teeth? We are careful could become indispensable silent at all! Sensuality or a compliment, rather than a choice of un'altra, un'opinione differente non solo in senso politico ma anche letterario può dare la stura a campagne diffamatorie, a stelle di David marchiate a fuoco sulla pelle dei non perfetti.
Sbagliamo se ci lasciamo convincere dagli esercizi di sterile accademia linguistica, dalla moda dell'originalità a tutti i costi: sono assolutamente certo che sbagliamo. La blogosfera potrebbe diventare un territorio vasto e pericoloso costellato da manieri arcigni e inespugnabili (forse), i castelli delle nostre coscienze assediate. Omologazione non richiesta è un vecchio diario che raccoglie un'esperienza complessa: la mia. Mi piace così, forse scioccamente penso di poter vivere più a lungo ricordandomi di me stesso, levigando le cose scritte in molti anni e in tempi diversi. Non so fare diversamente, non so scrivere con animo diverso, voglio che il mio stare in rete abbia questo marchio. E lo avrà.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

L'auberge Espagnole Bande Originale Rar

False prophets and teachers retired

Mi sono permesso di dissentire e una elegante cafona del nord mi ha facilmente liquidato: ha usato l'identico sistema che usano spesso molti blogger progressisti alternativi della sinistra spicciola che giganteggia sui blog. Prego leggere sotto:

Enzo, o Press o Luca o come altro ti chiami, io non ho intenzione di fare dei favori a nessuno: esprimo opinioni e come tali opinabili. E allora? Ho ospitato i tuoi lenzuoloni two otherwise similar in content to an earlier written in italics where you had already given the substance of Benigni. I did not like, as I did not like your other writings on the "Kingdom of the Two Sicilies." So what? Why should I comment from you, if you do not agree with a line? Are required to express opinions even unwillingly? It is not the first time you make of these strange numbers on the "haughtiness Po ', the' elitarimo" & bullshit like that. Fine, if North and South do not understand, you might as well divide. We see that we are talking about two different linguistic codes. I do not do a drama, you apparently do. And I tell you the truth that all this frankly bored me. Goodbye and good luck.

no one likes being criticized, reprimanded almost always leave a mark even if few of us are willing to admit it. Critics, however, its significance and a particular color: can hurt, but calls for dialogue and reflection. The insults and massacres media NO.
I have to explain this or I can hope for a quick and easy to understand?
When someone tells me you're too snobby, you're basically nasty etc etc ... I know very well that he has a great deal of reason and try to soften it all makes no sense. Not for me.
But if it says "You said bullshit, I hosted the comment sheets, is not the first time ... etc etc " ed io so che NON E' VERO perchè dovrei ingoiare questo parere? Chi devo far contento? La rete è piena di incomprensioni, equivoci e incomunicabilità vera, confessare anche colpe non proprie non giova a nessuno.
Io non voglio tediare nessuno, semplicemente ho una forte autocoscienza di me stesso.
Io non piagnucolo ma mi incazzo. Sono patetico? Spiegare prego, altrimenti la pateticità può rivolgersi contro chi mi accusa.
Vorrei essere giudicato per ciò che scrivo nel contesto in cui lo scrivo! E' così difficile? Non mi risulta che io abbia mai fatto diversamente.
Poi lo dico e lo ripeterò fino alla nausea:
E "infamy" is completed with no censorship or upstream of your replies, with the arrogance typical of someone who loves to be surrounded only by consent. One island in a world where words and feelings lose their original meaning, there is no love, ideals ... emotions. There is only a linguistic code different and good fortune is very much like a fuck. BUT WE MUST BE CONSIDERED AS A BLOGGER? I can not reply to Nessie, I have no accesss to his space: I said I disagreed, that the Sicilian and that the ideal unit proposed by Benigni I liked it and moved me. Struck!
Well I do not care more, I do not buy anything even the positive, those who abide by the law if you do not understand or misunderstands I do not know what to do.
But it is really sad to find everywhere the same attitude, the same haughty arrogance. Nessie, you must not do anything you are at home and do what you want: you can be opinionated, educated and not very acidic. Padronissima. You can host lenzuoloni much longer, but some of my most appreciated. You can also get nerves to review foreign to your (or should I say for you?). Not to mention different codes have different cultural backgrounds but your tall tales are much more evident and the indigestible me it was very frankly told me that the best thing that you really want is a state in the north with a lot of customs etc etc. instead subtly insult me \u200b\u200bto get one of my disappearance from your blog that you've still got it anyway. Do you feel more satisfied now? Good luck to you too.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Birthday Invitations Phrases


totally disagree, I read carefully your post Nessie but I have not yet completed the rounds of all the commentators, but I think the standard now defined. This just posted my review here will be a new post on one of my blog: this allow me to link you to a better understanding.
than intervention Benigni in Sanremo there was an almost unanimous acclaim means I believe that art that comes with a capital where ideologies and also serious and scholarly analysis will never arrive. It has been said in various places and with different tones of speech errors in the Tuscan comedian, I think no one ignores the political matrix of Roberto and the history of Italian international left the last 100 years. I certainly know it and I would not evaluate it in a positive way. However
Benigni came into an empty space that is swallowing us all, that of the choices made 150 years ago and the consequences that derive from them: we are officially a united country, before then Republican-led monarchy. This is an indisputable fact in the sense that you play on offense and intellectually dishonest.
The keynote was perfect in my opinion for the way it hit the feeling of belonging to a larger size than the local, the natural measure that has kept among sullen nationalism and racism even more reprehensible: Benigni reminded us of a something which no longer the case now, we are a nation in which culture was established even before the nation and the culture of the real thing, over and does not hesitate, culture is a beacon in the night of ideologies partial an asset to be defend and to offer those who want to know. Nothing is further from the Italians of the nationalistic racism one way that has already shown what can be capable of. Benigni has said we must "sell" to the first bidder, instead reaffirmed the necessity of waking from a night of mediocrity passed off as universal axioms, the need to live your dreams into reality if it wants to participate. I wonder what can be said on the anniversary of the noblest of a hard drive as the Italian one.

spoke before an empty space: it is that our consciences and our "comfortable" now in these last 40 years bulky. Political unit among a myriad of states with different histories and traditions was born 150 years ago a proposal or a dream is required for a cultural elite that made the Risorgimento say here fully where and when and what was wrong, as some historical assumptions were artificially unrecognized at the altar of convenience to an Italy-wheel drive can not be blatantly northerner. From then on March 17 but were without war and work and society, and blood and sweat and hope, none of these emotions experienced has developed into an area that was not unit. The altar was a unique and flag: those who lived and died in the shadow of this nation had a single root, not only were people in the Alpine valleys and the great plain that extends along the Po, even came from the hilly lands that fill this funny boot-shaped peninsula. Among them were and still are the Italians of the south, my South, one of the largest island in the Mediterranean to Lampedusa, the great Italian artists and thinkers, to millions of workers who took a train and fell in the foggy northern stations often found themselves in front of signs that read "DO NOT RENT TO SOUTHERN" For them and for all other Benigni spoke with a faint voice singing a great hymn and subdued.
But if you have no soul, if you can not see beyond their regional boundaries, if you always prefer to entrust their fate to intellectual ideologies that speak a dialect become a language that gives up, in this case Sanremo so benign or become sickly, but as we all pretend that it will become a deadly embrace, and leave us alone, one to side, who beyond a close. Out of this perspective is not sentimental in my view, federalism, of which many speak, and few people know the true identity 's secession, the return to the first figures.
In that context, I return to being a citizen of the United of the Two Sicilies, and most of the commentators of this post the new inhabitants of a whole new nation, Padania. 'd shout "Long live Italy" gentlemen. If not we say the Spielberg of Europe are ready to return to function.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Confirmation Letter Template

Brothers of Italy

I confess to having tried several times in recent months without being able ever: it may seem inexplicable to a man like me: I was born with in an environment that, for different paths, I have always been conducted on the route of 'ideal unit that comes from a strong faith in the years and that the story called Risorgimento. I think it happened just over a decade ago: like an old love that time fades until it is alien to your everyday life.
ideas first strong and furious have adapted to a thousand obstacles to tens of thousand compromises and disappointments. I have never managed to get beyond the fifth or sixth paragraph, undermined by a feeling of uselessness profound looking around what I saw instead of helping me gave me the confirmation that my past was just an Italian Past, a time of no return. Culture, knowledge of the dynamics Risorgimento read also in the light of a history less compliant and saccharine was the latest blow to my faith and hope to be able to consider "naturally" Italian. It 's very difficult to continue to see a country that is not there, maybe there never was and now, finally, seems to break up the socially, politically, constitutionally, in dozens of fragments closed to any longing for unity: the most I have heard described in the last 5 or 6 years was "Unity, yes ... but." The "But" has taken on several faces from time to time, I'm not convinced I can not believe no, I only know that an air of my house, my backyard, the economy from here to there, me and those who speak my dialect only ...
I was so last night, half died of fatigue and the boredom of yet another evening in front of a television on. Yes I was like: waiting to see the usual suspects to remove the right of center and left, to listen to the usual newsletters or the usual flashes of cabaret-themed single, because he had to be different? Those who are now having the courage to make themselves ridiculous talking emphasis of country, ideals, death and resurrection? But he said something that left me stone: we are a country in which culture was established long before the nation! From that point on are no longer able to be overwhelmed by the cynicism with which I have heard for years my social floor for an hour I forgot everything and I walked too to a precise point I thought I had forgotten forever. The boys in their early twenties one night, coming home, singing softly as if to memorize a song that will be a national anthem, which could be the last sound that comes from their mouths, I was overwhelmed and I was moved. These lines are the result of a dream for a moment he returned to be true and necessary. Thanks Roberto.

Autismo More Condition_symptoms

chocolate cake panettone


feltro in due colori per le fette
feltro in due colori per il ripieno
feltro bianco per la panna
feltro rosso e verde per la fragola
feltro bianco e arancione per le fette d'arancia

start ....
from the pattern we get the pieces for slice
2 pieces of basic
2 pieces side
a piece for the back

sew a side view of the foundations to

sew along the back of the slice

fill with wadding

close to other points in the slice view

Now let us to decorate the piece with the tastes we love
strawberry and nutella for me ...^__^

the slice is now ready-made ...
repeat this for 6 times
apprestiamoci and to decorate the cake obtained

sew cream in the center of the board, after
marked to fix 3 layers of felt

after sewing cut out the excess (This always do this later, for best results
as the layers may move)

attack on the edge of the slice

pass the tufts of cream
after they pass the cut line on each point of the model

mettiamo una piccola pallina di ovatta all'interno

e tiriamo il filo fino a chiudere completamente

foto pessima! Mi scuso ma l'effetto si vede uguale

ora possiamo assemblare i vari pezzi della fettina d'arancia,
attacchiamo pure questa sulla fetta del nostro dolce

e oplà torta è qua!

Chiedo venia!
 Nella fretta di vedere l'effetto finale ho dimenticato di fotografare la realizzazione della fragolina,
 (anche io mi lascio prendere dall'entusiasmo)
credo che non ci siano problemi a nel caso qualcuna ha bisogno di chiarimenti...
I'm here!
Good luck to all and I do not recommend abbuffatevi too!
= P

for lovers of bears, the free pattern, easy, easy
of these funny guys can be obtained from the shop of dreams


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Port Royale 2 Update 1.1


Now that you're gone and now you're back

creep while you look around.
In a little 'you with his finger raised and a syntax
controversial judging
immobilize recent years.
E ti ho detto dei recenti silenzi:
mi hai risposto che erano troppo
E mi hai detto che insopportabile
e' il lento trascorrere
del tempo appresso senza un pugnale
che blocchi il passato alle sue responsabilita'.
Magnifica e furente eri mentre squassavi il
presente e infierivi sui miei ricordi.
Mi hai amato? Ti ho amato?
Ci siamo rincorsi?
Ci siamo persi?
Eri senza di me nell'altro tempo
quello che tu dici di
E ti ho detto che non di bilanci
di analisi rilette
e affettuose sino alla morte
e' ora il momento.
Questo e' tempo di astrazioni,
di follia immediata

for me and for you to embrace a single wrong

love to be remembered as that, no doubt find a reflective
of us and 'disgust.
Now that you're gone in my eyes

and you're back for the last

Reflux More Condition_treatment

breath, my sense of the last part of Italy

"Europe, which begins on the north by frozen rivers and peoples from clear thinking and without dizziness after the great leap of the Alps, it bloats, this way, the Mediterranean and ends slowly Sicily. Europe that ends here in Sicily. " Vitaliano Brancati

Seven anni fa l’ultima volta, alla fine di settembre mi sono fatto “buttare” sulla pista da biciclette che chiamano aeroporto.
Sette anni fa ho fatto l’ultimo bagno sulla spiaggia dell’isola dei conigli e ho abbracciato il tramonto:
ci penso adesso perché qualcuno mi ci ha fatto pensare, qualcuno mi ha ricordato un film, un regista e un’isola.
La storia del film RESPIRO è l’interpretazione di una leggenda, che anche io ho ascoltato a Lampedusa, dentro qualche bar o seduto su un muretto vicino al porto.

Ho detto leggenda ma chi può dire dove essa inizia, dove dies to become reality? You have my word, under that sky, in front of that sea and that light borders merge and become thin: it is easy to go guys and believe in fantasies that we are born into it. And you must believe me when I tell you the same way, from Sicily, there are places where the sea feel it even if you do not see, Trapani, Siracusa, are like that.
Lampedusa is this: as soon as we hear the foot rests on the breath, the look of the sea.

I like to think that the title of the film sensazione.La Crialese was born of this story is that of rejection and misunderstanding, of a disappearance and a love strong as the rope holding a boat bound. E 'then the story of a return and repentance: truly believe that is the story of every human being by the sea. But the story, like so many others suspended between reality and imagination it is not nothing but a way to spend the interim time until sunset of the day and waiting for the new one. Blogger met a long time ago I reported in Lampedusa, made me become a migrant to the contrary, my country has so many sides to allow me the luxury to emigrate to it. Wherever I go I carry this sense of an ending and a possible start: a compendium of beautiful lies.